
Hops are in the same family as marijuana, so the similarities are very present. Some hops, like Columbus, smell like weed right off the vine. It's simply a matter of aroma (not taste).

Saisons are awesome for a wider range of flavors than you might expect and excellent for pairing with food.

The recommendation is from Lagunitas to….Heady Topper? Really? That's like saying 'you might find algebra a little tough, but then, you're ready for calculus!' Come on. There are literally a billion IPA's in the world, don't recommend one that is impossible to find. GoneAway (formerly Heyoka) from Half Acre, Belt

Indeed, surprised Alexander didn't get more credit in this review as it is her thesis and her award winning book this is based in. I actually represent criminals for a loving and I can say, that book was depressing as fuck. I hope this movie reaches a broader audience than college sociology / criminal justice majors.

This is mindblowing to me. I went to the University of Wisconsin and its law school and worked on the Innocence Project and on this very case (at the tail end of it, didn't do anything substantive). To see it become a documentary is very interesting to me. I have to say, when I would tell the story of what happened

No offense, but this movie had nothing to do with Brooklyn. Shot in LA, and purports to depict the Midwest.

I believe that most of the towns that were fought in were built in one giant four part grid, one side for each type of town (Belgian, French, German…and more Belgian?).