Same in the State of Connecticut. Once you get used to bringing your own bags, it's not too bad. I just hang mine on the knob of the drawer where I keep my wallet.
Same in the State of Connecticut. Once you get used to bringing your own bags, it's not too bad. I just hang mine on the knob of the drawer where I keep my wallet.
Well I have used my propane torch for real plumbing work. Once.
You mean it was oat milk with a truckload of sugar and not oatmeal with maple syrup? Damn, I need new reading glasses.
May we also complain about Touch of Modern? The coffee table refrigerator drives me crazy on several levels. First, you know these people have a massive stainless steel or camo'd fridge in the kitchen, a bar fridge and one in the master bedroom suite at the very least. Can’t be bothered to walk 20 feet for the Perrier…
That’s why you go heavy on the dip. The vinegar is completely necessary though a mustard sauce could work too.
My mother, a daughter of Finnish immigrants from the Upper Peninsula, always called it ”Swedish Kringler.” I have tried to replicate it, but no success yet. The icing needs to be like frosted glass, ready to crack as you cut the pastry. Definitely must have almond extract, too.
Yeah, but you would have two weirdos at your door with sledgehammers and bad recycled stuff.
Yup, Mom was from the Keweenaw, ate them every Saturday.
I will one-up you. The lady on the Trintellex ad. Cute but oh so depressed. Somehow manages to get dressed for work, have a leisurely breakfast with the kids, sees them off to school, magically commutes downtown, fixes stuff including the copier, back to happy home. Maybe I need what she's having. Seems to buy three…
Yes! I am from Detroit. I know cars. I know the best car for my SO from a practical standpoint. But what jackwipe would presume to buy a car for his/her spouse? The ergonomics, the feng shui, can only be judged by the driver. It angers me how presumptuous and sexist auto companies are.
What, the hottie doesn’t want 500 pervs watching as she works out in her sports bra?
I haven't a clue. The only damn thing I know that if I were in a similar situation, I'd sure as hell would buy Benzes or the SO would be long gone. "Thanks for the tank, loser!"
And a hottie in a sports bra working out in sight of approximately 10,000 people!
Western Kentucky BBQ is built around mutton. A strong vinegar and Worcestershire sauce dip counters the gaminess. I used to travel that way on business and enjoyed Moonlite BBQ.
Brooks T. Moore has your back!
I voted by absinthé ballot.
Pretty much shit for brains. Understand.
When you were young and your heart was an open book
You used to say live and let live
(You know you did, you know you did, you know you did)
But if this ever changing world in which we’re living
Makes you give in and cry
Worked for a large international corporation with 50+ to feed. 15% was mandated. But being it was a sizable order, it seemed fair.
The old corporate saw... "ready, fire, aim!"