
In the long run, that may do him many favors.

But if she's dead….

Honestly, I think the exact opposite. The show has already quintupled the amount of time the story spent on the character in the books, which would imply that she really isn't very important in the long run. Despite being a big fan of Dormer, I tend to get a little impatient during her scenes because I suspect they

Fantastic coverage. The perfect amount to get me interested in things I've never heard of without getting me so excited that I no longer care when the movies are finally released fourteen years later.

The review is a little unfair to Fellowes, too, as if this kind of thing is all he ever does. Read his novel Past Imperfect. It's one of my favorite books of the last few years. It has a contemporary framing story but mostly takes place in the 1960s. (I really like Gwen though, so no snark is intended.)

Shosh didn't get much screen time, but her storyline is the one I'll remember most. "Japan" was my favorite episode this season. Everyone on this show is brilliant and I have loved it from the beginning. People get weirdly upset about tv shows in ways they don't about movies. When I stop liking a show, I stop

This is the second time you have written about Hannah and Fran "frolicking in the show." Is it intentional?

When I was a twentysomething in NYC, we all went to everyone's stuff whether we liked the person or not. "We're going to my ex-boyfriend's play, come along." "Your talentless asshole ex-boyfriend? Okay." We ran in a pack.

I've heard the end of Angel called a cliffhanger before but I don't see what you all missed. We're going to fight as long as we can while the legions of hell are unleashed, then die one by one as the world ends around us. I thought that was pretty clear.

I stopped reading after the first "sentence."

The show is about Jimmy. It ends with a Chuck moment because it tells us what Chuck is going to do to the protagonist, not because it's Chuck's great moment. It never could have ended with Mike's story because the show is not about Mike. I'm not that shocked that they ended the show with a cliffhanger devoted to

"…the generic good friend Sarah and frenemy Judit. The latter started with potential as she interfered with Miklos’ plans based on a desire to protect Judit…."

Exactly. Imagine if they had to watch everything from Bollywood or every B from Hong Kong, not to mention the German comedies they wouldn't even understand. Or every hour of Discovery Channel.

It says something for how good this show has become that all the season finale comments from AV Club's snarky, sarcastic, cynical, adorable readers are positive!

I'm glad people are recommending the book. I was hesitant but curious. I'll try it now since no one is complaining about it.

I saw him in a club in NYC after this was released. I had never heard of him but I went with friends. I stood mesmerized through his entire set, literally unable to believe what I was seeing and hearing. A precious memory for me.

Yeah they literally made no effort to catch the guy.

Best song on that show so far. I watched it ten times before I could bring myself to delete that episode from my DVR.

I think it's completely bizarre to even watch a show you hate, much less keep explaining why you hate it week after week after week. And if you really think this review wasn't scathing, you should reread the last two sentences. He didn't "stop liking" the show. He clearly despises it.

I'm not done with it yet. I feel the same about its potential and the cast is crazy good. Besides, if I gave up on every TV show with dumb cops I'd have to start watching Dancing with the Stars.