
Thanks for the response. Your reviews are one of the main reasons I come to this site. Keep up the good work!

Good point. I hope people don't think I'm trashing Zach, who does his job well. But as a fan of the show, I'd be a lot more interested in more even-handed reviews. A movie is one thing, but this is a weekly reprimand, episode after episode of saying how bad it is.

But now that he has helped you to see how terrible the show is, you continue to watch it. How is that helpful?

Maybe someone who doesn't hate this show should take over the weekly reviews. There's just nothing to be gained by reading these week after week since I wouldn't still be watching the show if I didn't like it. I guess really I should just stop reading them!

I actually thought this was the weakest episode so far. For one thing, we have known since the first episode the kid wasn't Adam, and we have known that the daughter is and did something f'ed up directly connected to the events. But the ineptitude of the police has gone way beyond believable. The kid was staring at

For the first five seconds I was like, huh? Thanks for the laugh a year later!

Straddle. If someone throttled the line, they would be choking it.

This is an excellent review, and not only because I agree with it. Really well-written and insightful, a real pleasure to read. Thanks!

I don't really understand the Edward Zwick slam, either, since The Last Samurai is one of Cruise's best from that period. (The "great directors" list he is so pointedly not a part of gave us things like "Eyes Wide Shut.")

I agree completely.

Perfect example, Daniel. I think they also worry that they have to let all the nominated performers from a show be in the number, sometimes all the performers period, which is just unnecessary. "I Believe" was someone thinking outside of the box.

Well, I was mostly kidding, but the '80s definitely saw wordspeak overtake language at an alarming rate; "human resources" supplanting "personnel," for example. And Orwell was writing about the 1980s, after all!

On the 2015 show, of the seven shows nominated for Best Musical or Best Revival of a Musical, Fun Home and Something Rotten! did numbers, while The King and I, On the Town, An American in Paris, On the Twentieth Century and The Visit all did medleys. Some of them were well done, but any full number is a better

Melancholia is beautiful. Watch it.

Yep you're right. People still used words for their real meanings then. The '80s are when all the jibber-jabber started.

I see this stuff all over this website. Also misspelling and a misuse of idiom. But in general, it is clear that no one edits these pieces, or no one would ever publish a review that began with a "sentence" like this one.

I'm fascinated that you said that. I think the majority of Tony numbers are terrible, since they mostly do incomprehensible medleys instead of one good, representative number that gives you an actual idea what seeing the show might be like. The performance on the Tonys from Passing Strange is what got me interested

That does make sense. At least if more than 20 people knew what Passing Strange was.

Yes you're right. Season 1 planted all the seeds for everything that followed, and even got good before it was over, which was very quick for a half-season,

I completely agree. It's so much better once you know it's going somewhere good, though. I mean, better on re-watch. I didn't love it so much when it was first on, but now I think Season 2, 6, 3, 4, 7, 1, 5. (I thought Glory sucked.)