
Can they next cover the “Silver Shamrock” song?

Where will this stop? Are they going to start coming out soon saying that they were asked out on a date? A harmless comment is a proposition?

A man, a plan, a canal, go fuck yourself

Prison is as prison does.

Hyperbole...I’m trying to figure out why this article was even posted.

This is the biggest takedown since we dropped the bomb.

That still cracks me up

That still cracks me up

Shit sandwich

We have always been at war with Eastasia.

You can have only one JarJar per lifetime.

At least we’ll know he’ll be in bed by 8pm.

He can’t even manage that.

At the end of the movie, I hope Johnny Depp takes off his mask to reveal it was secretly a different superhunk the whole time.

That Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith song is freaking me out, and the video isn’t helping.

This is all clearly a campaign for the NFL to get Trump’s support back.

Counterpoint: fuck yeah!

Stop the world, I want to get off.

Mother, may I cash this check at Safeway?
