
Autopilot means its piloting for you.

Stream your computers image in real time?... Lmao... No dood... You have no idea how this works..... I had a great laugh tho...

I’ve always preferred ATI.... Amd just bought them... I also have always liked amd processors as well.

Sounds interesting. Where did you download the Warcraft 1 and 2 remakes?

I couldn’t disagree with you more poncho ....4k video?..un-necessary...130fps...ridiculous...and I haven’t found one person  that can tell the difference between 40fps and 70 fps....so I call fps battles irrelevant.

Some of us spend lots of time an effort just trying to keep way more mediocre cars just alive... And these millenial knuckleheads willingly put complete nonsense in a gas tank... And destroy a very nice car on purpose. Where’s my retart hamner.