
Welpp..looks like it’s time to dust off ye ole turbo-express....I still have the original....let’s see if it works after 7 years of inactivity.

And yet the crab nebula still doesn’t care....

Exactly this reason!.... Crashing lambos at 16 years of age.....yeah.. Total tool. 

Then i suppose you also don't wanna hear what happens to most of the terlit seats during flight time... 

Delausing of passengers from shithole countries..... Should be standard measure.. -thanks potus for making this a viable descriptive term -

A 2 hour flight takes closer to 18 hours anyway...with getting there. Parking.. Checking in... Triple security r3ctal cheks...pretake off.. Taxiing... Flight time....... Yeah fly only if you have a private jet. 

Hey baby.. Once u go scag.. U never go back.. He was thinking. 

Sounds like yer halfway to hell anyway with all your ones I've compulsive behavior.. Napalm is your next step. 

Still one of the best movies of all time in any genre period... 

Imagine losing your Connection... Sorry you can’t game for the rest of the day... No interwebs... Sorry you have weak local hardware.

I’m sure we’ll all be seeing ping times and transfer rates become muddym.. The numbers say it’sfast but somehow it’s crawling.

Atari Lynx and nec turbo-express.

Autopilot means its piloting for you.

Stream your computers image in real time?... Lmao... No dood... You have no idea how this works..... I had a great laugh tho...

I’ve always preferred ATI.... Amd just bought them... I also have always liked amd processors as well.

Sounds interesting. Where did you download the Warcraft 1 and 2 remakes?

I couldn’t disagree with you more poncho ....4k video?..un-necessary...130fps...ridiculous...and I haven’t found one person  that can tell the difference between 40fps and 70 fps....so I call fps battles irrelevant.

Some of us spend lots of time an effort just trying to keep way more mediocre cars just alive... And these millenial knuckleheads willingly put complete nonsense in a gas tank... And destroy a very nice car on purpose. Where’s my retart hamner.