
And sometimes and Easter egg is a cigar.. wait. I think I got this wrong. 

Sometimes an easter egg is just an easter egg.

Great, now all I’ve got left is BonziBuddy.

Weed will be legal to buy in IL just 11 days after release.   I figure I am going to need to smoke approx “all of it” to get through this movie

Looks good and I'm not even a fan. I'll watch it on hallucinogens with the sound off with my own music playing in the background. 

13 minutes long????? why are vlogs or whatever always so damn long???? who’s got time for 13 minutes of one person? what do they feel the time with? i remember hearing jefree star’s crying video was like 20 minutes long! that’s an eternity. do these people think they’re Nicholas Winding Refn??????

He is seriously going to get her killed and no one is doing anything about it. This is scary and infuriating.

What infuriates me the most is the mental gymnastics Trump supporters do to convince themselves that telling people of colour to go back where they came from is not racist. They say “well, he didn’t say the person’s skin colour, so his statement isn’t racist.” I think we should finally ask his supporters straight up

Oh, they’re fine with coerced abortions too, believe me. I’m sure the vast majority of them did everything but drag the women carrying their “inconvenient” fetus into the clinic feet first because their circumstances were different and unique.

I There is absolutely no bottom for these people.

State-level crime here, yes? Not a federal court? Presidential pardons don’t apply here, right?

Oh, is that what taxing the fuck out of income above $5 million a year (or whatever) would do? It would actually limit how far people can go, and not how filthy rich they can become? I suppose people like Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos would’ve just stopped trying if they thought they could *only* become a millionaire

While they’re at it can they remove the scene where the kid gets sodomized with a broken off broom handle?

Oh boy, false equivalence from a burner who can’t tell the difference between an arena game where you make a character versus a game where you play *as* historical characters. Oh wait, you can, you’re just intellectually dishonest.

As far as reactions go, I like a solemn “Womp womp.”

That is an orb of hatred.

Orb Gang Represent

Damn love people on this site only caring about charisma and nothing else. Kamala Harris’s actual ideology is of zero importance to liberals. I guess it shouldn’t be surprising ‘cause Obamas actual ideology and policy were of no importance either. He hung out with celebrities and that was real cool.

I was a little skeptical about people giving you shit for always signing off your posts in the dumb way you do, but now I see what comes before the sign-off is also fucking stupid.