
“Diablo III” doesn’t hold a candle to my boyhood game of painting a pentagram in goat’s blood, chanting ancient incantations in a forgotten tongue, and summoning a demonic figure, who murdered one of my childhood friends and devoured his soul. The first two times were much better.

As a man I approve this message. Boy do we suck.

Because men are trash.

I do know that the language doesn’t necessarily mean that people are treated only like resources, but the fact that business announcements come to this point, abstracting away people’s loss of employment and at minimum their short term stress and inconvenience behind euphemisms that dehumanize workers, shows how much

Yes, indeed. It is like businesses treat people as a kind of capital, to the point where people no longer are laid off or let go; resources are aligned differently. 

Just a reminder that in business-speak, Amazon describes people as “resources” to be “aligned.”

And as far as I can tell, the third game is even more grim.

She has such little faith in us as educated citizens. It makes me have no faith in her as a leader.

Darksiders is very much a series I wish was better than it actually is.

President Bernie Sanders taking all of Kushner’s money and buying everyone healthcare would feel so good and be so satisfying. That’s why people are afraid to vote for Bernie. They don’t know how to dream.

The military (and a few state agencies I know of) have a phrase for this: Volun-told.

Optional’ overtime always feels worse than mandatory, because your workplace is essentially bullying you into making a pretend choice for them instead of just making the call and standing behind it. I hate it when businesses try to play the nice guy without, you know, actually being nice.

Yeah...little bit of a power imbalance there.

Oh God, fuck this. I have my misgivings about it too, but I am so done with entitled dipshit fans like these.

I really need you guys to get a grip.

Sephiroth was a sled!

She does go on to explain why, which basically amounts to his limp-dick healthcare policy being “I think we should, like, do more of the covering with the medicare and for like in the America with perhaps a slider bar to surf to universal single cover!”

You are a sexist creep.    Libby Watson and the women that come here don’t deserve to read a sexist moron like you making sexist jokes about one of the female writers because you don’t like what she has to say.  You’ve been called out.   You are just being a giant sexist asshole.  Fucking loser.  

“Mayor Pete gives all staffers the equivalent of family-level gold-plan coverage and a few hundred each in an FSA to help ease the pain of the deductible? What an extravagant wastrel! He’s either going to run his campaign dry before the election gets into full swing or have to compromise his stances and take tons of

This is yet another example of FUCK THE POLICE. If they were only doing their jobs they wouldn’t have to pull bullshit to cover their asses in the first place. The sad thing is, Underwood, and his 12 corrupt SC sheriff peers probably think they’re all the fucking kings of macho men because they get paid to bully people