
We are the white men. Resistance is futile.

“North Hollywood Henry” - Awesome! Look at him, using his full name. It’s so formal.

It’s really funny to me because as a professional costume-maker... he absolutely stands out. Very little about his design looks “Star Wars.”

It’s not even that he’s a white male. He’s so... bland.

I’m still blown away that EA confirmed twice at the event that it’s micro transaction free- and single player... could they finally be learning....?

Oh. Yah. Lookin’ forward to this new Jedi hero Generic McMannaquin Face.
Why are they so scared to make him even somewhat unique? 

That is the METHOD they are using to destroy this country...it’s literally IN THEIR NAME!!! Wake up sheeple!

Methodists and Mexican bandits.

True story: my tiny Appalachia hometown had not one, but two, Methodist churches, literally a block apart. My Boy Scout troop was sponsored by one of them, and as it so happens they had a converted school bus, which we drove across the country to attend the Philmont Boy Scout ranch located in New MEXICO!

All this time

Words have meanings, and those meanings have consequences.

Referring to anyone as a “domestic terrorist,” particularly in the continuing post-9/11 environment of paranoia, xenophobia, and ethnocentrism is an exceptionally serious charge, and one that should only ever be levied after verified terrorist acts have been

Facts and science are enemies of the Trump administration.

NPR is bad. It pushes a radical centrism that is happy to play the ‘both sides’ game endlessly, employs a cadre of Very Serious People who lean wingnut, and is basically of incapable of calling a spade a spade. 

Call your Representative tomorrow and tell them to nail these republican traitors to the wall.

I don’t smear or make things up.  I’m well informed.  That’s why I never shut up about the need for President Bernie.  

Yeah, “when they go low, we go high” just gets you punched in the nuts while you swing wildly at where the guy who’s gone low used to be. 

Don’t want to piss off those conservatives who will definitely vote Dem if we're nice enough! All two of them!

Yeah, but, civility, or somesuch bullshit.

How to investigate lying republicans.

Steve Mnuchin did a bunch of crimes. Instead of holding him accountable for his crimes and putting him in jail where he belongs Kamala Harris sabotaged the investigation and let him get away. Guess she only picks on poor and middle class criminals.