
In know right? Because supporting apartheid and climate denial are reasonable opinions!

The Sephiroth comparison combined with the photo of her from a little ways away was perfect. Is her dog named Meteor?

Such a Modest Proposal.

CPAC always starts out slow, but the choreographed parade they hold at the end of it is pretty spectacular:

If CPAC really knew it’s audience, they’d just talk about how Democrats cheat at bingo.

Watching the Cohen testimony showed me how lost and depraved the places in the country are that would elect such evil, willfully ignorant idiots like Meadows, Jordan, Clay Higgins and the rest of the republican bobbblehead Trump lickers.

Ya know, it probably would have been a little less racist if she had just let her husband do the Moonwalk.

Anything that makes people auto-vote for you while you’re fucking them to their face and kids them into believing you’re helping them has got to be a powerful ally. You have to wonder how much horribler the Southern politicians of 1860 had to have been if the ones now are as bad as they are.

That’s the downside to the South, and the Republicans they inevitably vote into positions there. Funny the same people that like Jesus so much also like laws that allow paying low wages.

It is broadly true that “haters” are an inescapable part of any public-facing position; no matter what you do, no matter how much good you do, or no matter how fundamentally disconnected you are from a perceived problem/irritant, there will always be a vocal minority of dickheads who will feel the need to shit in your

I’m not sure anyone on the committee wants to see Trump’s Pecker testifying!

I hate that this fucker got away with it in 2016. But the wheel of justice turns slow in some regards.

I mean, say what you will about Elizabeth Holmes, but my god is she an amazing pioneer in the field of gender equality for massive corporate con-jobs. 

Could have been planned that way, for all we know.

And, he told me that black people would never vote for him because they were too stupid.

We are like 10 years away from swearing in president Shapiro.

I’ve not agreed with you on much in the past, but in this, at least, you’re dead-on.

(There is some nuance here, given that Russia had been openly and consistently violating the treaty anyway--but the optics aren’t good in terms of our general geopolitical influence and relationships with other countries.)

The US just pulled out of a nuclear treaty with Russia. Why would anybody trust this country anymore when any treaty can be torn up every 4 years?