I thought she’d be taller
I thought she’d be taller
You could holster a shiv in that mouth all day. No one would notice, or care.
Pssst. Hey, Shkreli. Know what would really piss people off? Buy the AVClub and get rid of Kinja. Journalists hate that one weird trick.
Well, at least he outlived the AV Club.
Rerun? Fred Berry? He’s dead!
It all comes down to that stupid Pokémon Go to the polls line.
They wanted to please Chachi!
If repeatedly pointing out how awful Trump is works as well for Clinton’s memoir as it did when it was the main plank of her campaign, I predict excellent sales for The Art of the Deal.
“What the hell am I doing here? I don’t belong here. I don’t belong here.”
I’ll never really get over that.
But her emails!!
“No one respects women more than me!”
How the fuck did 53% of white women vote for this douche?
Her first draft referred to him as a “shit-brained cockweasel”, but her editor made her change it.
Bertie Bro, please.
That he was able to “surrender himself” rather than “get beaten to death while fighting for oxygen” pretty much says it all.
Look, I hate Ernie as much as the next guy, but this is a bit harsh
I hope zakk Wylde beats this dudes ass sometime soon
Now that the AV Club is officially part of Kinjamodo, why are y’all still summarizing articles already posted to Kinjamodo and posting them as fresh content?
You will get used to it.