Vladimir Poutine

It's text spell for Pirates of the Caribbean - combining 2 things that are really cool, hip and popular. In 2003…

We asked him not to microwave those…

A. pi(r)^2!

Wouldn't you?

What's that weird smell?

That's nothing. Whisper "Soros" 3 times to a conservative, and they melt like the nazis at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Your executives were so preoccupied with whether they could give Jimmy a show, they didn't stop to think if they should.

Yes, in one that was Far and Away.

Oh…dear…god…song entering…head…will not leave!!!

Jurassic World: Fallon Kingdom

Something you'll never use for something you'll never never need.

That's the old fogey Republican Party. Not the new, sexy grab you by the civil action Republican party!

I made my vast fortune in dried dung futures.

Yes, it's called West Virginia.

“[d]efendants’ broadcasts [which] have vigorously supported and advanced Mrs. [Hillary] Clinton’s agenda.”

Real Genius would like to have a word with you.

Oh, come on! The effects in Willow were better than this!

I still think he can make a Splash with this production.

Hey, you see this Boba, tell him I'm lookin' for him, huh? Tell him I aim to blow his ass right off the road.

Come, let's away to prison;