…and scrambled.
…and scrambled.
Why you miserable cork-soaker!
Fargin bastache!
Sabato deported to Mexico - claims he isn't from there.
The Rock knows what you'll be cooking in 2024!
They'd be the biggest band of all time…if everyone were 13 and it was 2000 forever.
Well, we can never have too many competent, qualified individuals committed to public service in government.
He was loud and orange and kept calling the noodles 'pisghetti'…
At least it will be quicker than this 110 days of agony.
You can suck them and suck them and suck them and they'll never get any smaller. Never!
Yes, I believe I would prefer the 2008 meth to accompany my GTA. It has deep, fruity notes that pair well with hookers and Korn.
Richard Richard Richard…guys don't make passes at deeply closeted asswipes who wear glasses!
I don't believe in any Zods.
You ALWAYS want to go Sugitani. Meanwhile I spent all this money on my Scaphism table from Ikea!!!
I like the Phantom Zone proposal. Where are we on that?
This whole thing is nuts.
Flaccid side up.
I think you need to recuse yourself from this investigation.
I thought he did it to shut down the Russia investigation…?
He was just showing her how he likes his eggs!