Vladimir Poutine

1. Lobotomy
2. Faygo
3. Crank it!!!

I have to upvote the KGB.

Well said.

He's now my least favorite Jared. Congratulations, Subway guy, you just moved up in the rankings.

The Edsel was also a well oiled machine.

When things are going really well, do you really need an hour and a half to explain that it is going really well?

All Clubs are bad and should not be trusted.

Maury Povich says you're the father.

The Big Bang Theory!

Flash! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHAAAAAA!!! He'll save every one of us!

Well, who else would they trust this property to? Frank Stallone?

Dave Chappelle looks up, startled.

I'm just talkin' about getting shafted.

You can't change the hearts and minds of those who possess neither.

NBC: Git 'Er Done!


That Obama's a bad mother…

“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see.”

Even when he's a developmentally impaired snowman?

Sit, Ubu, sit. Good dog.