
How does it feel to be this wrong?

It is weird that her teams ran their respective tables (in the World Cups) while also feeling like they never saw their full potentials. I am for sure grateful for what she did, but also hopeful that whomever comes next is able to take us to a whole new level.

Yeah, for sure. Her hockey assist to Heath was great. 

Yeah, she definitely had a better game today. She just has been getting lost some much these last few games. I wonder if she is more injured than letting on.

Anyone else think it is time for Alex to come off the bench (if she plays at all)?

Me: Ted Cruz could not be more abhorrent.

No way, suplex that nerd.

You see you got a shoutout for this comment from Cain on twitter?!?

Not surprising given that it seems she wasn’t even invited to her own career’s funeral.

Here in Tallahassee, we have a really great Buffalo Wild Wings.

I thought this was a poster for one of Jordan Peele’s new Twilight Zone episodes about an anal polyp that gains sentience.

+1 thrown bowl of soup

Holy shit, the other pictures on the McNaughton site are incredible!

Lol, “Trump has a friend who is black, he can’t be racist!”

Maybe just sit out a play or two.

It’s like the reverse of the “There is no war in Ba Sing Se” from Avatar.

What’s most baffling is that Stephen A. knows Spencer Ware, they text all the time. And Hunter Henry is a close friend of Stephen A.’s. He and Derrick Johnson know each other personally.

I can make myself sneeze by scratching the top of my forehead (on the hairline). It really freaks out my wife.

***cough*** kowtowing ***cough***

all you’ve done is admit you’ve never had whirley pop popcorn

all you’ve done is admit you’ve never had whirley pop popcorn