
Clemson got the 7 seed?

As one whose HS soccer team was torched multiple times by Edgar Castillo (and his talented little brother), it gives me a small bit of joy seeing him get beat on that play. That being said, he has enjoyed playing soccer professionally, and I’m in my, like, 8th year of graduate school. But a win is a win.

Relax! It's just a prank!

In high school, I sported a fierce afro. Often, I would hold my pencil in my ‘fro. Then, I would forget I put the pencil in my hair, and I’d dig out another one from my back pack and repeat the cycle. Eventually, I’d go to stick one in there and it would hit one already in there and I’d be reminded of what I had done.

Yeah, you’re right on that one.

As someone who also experienced significant depression-related weight gain, Wentworth’s post meant a lot. On top of having to deal with despair, sadness, etc., packing on the pounds via one of the only means of “happiness” available to me (at the time), sucked big time. And then, people (friends, family members) felt

At 0:35, does he go to pick his nose and then remember there are tons of cameras around?


I talked to her! I called in one show when she had the creator’s of PBS’s “Daniel Tiger” on. I think I used a word wrong in an attempt to sound smart. Oh well, it was still very soporific!

No, no, THOSE balls aren't deflated.

Very out-of-character for him.

Now playing

Man, I’ve spent hours on youtube checking out Haka related videos. The tradition is very powerful and moving. Here is one of my favorites (also performed at a funeral):

Any one else get a Titus vibe from this James Wright fellow?

This woman is the Native version of my G-ma, and I want to hold her.

Does anyone else listen to Ben Carson for ASMR purposes? No? Yeah, I definitely don’t either.

Like, a fear of farming?

Same bones, flashy skin. The 402 is good for meetings or in trying to manage one’s impression.

Same bones, flashy skin. The 402 is good for meetings or in trying to manage one’s impression.

Zebra F-301 until I die.

Zebra F-301 until I die.

Yeah, but how’d you like The Book of Mormon musical?

This trailer practically gives the whole movie away! #hatethat