
The guy got kicked out of uni for being a prick. He clearly has a lot of time on his hands in between writing endless shitty lawsuits.

Cool! A TV show about grinding XP!

I’m 5'5.5" (I take that half-inch wherever I can get it) and so I know what you mean. It sucks being shorter than average (except on airplanes, love the legroom), but at the end of the day it’s not something you can change. Only piece of advice I have is that you gotta accept it and roll with it, one of life’s

Prompto is the best, and the way the photography skill leveling up leads to (reasonably) better shots is some brilliant programming voodoo. His victory song is pure win too.

Sort of. 358/2 Days is only cutscenes with no gameplay.

I think it’s worth mentioning that 0.2 will be using the KHIII engine, so it may be worth purchasing to get a preview of the new tech.

Think the first time I heard about this Tulpa thing was in the Hell House episode of Supernatural.

A tall, thin man who has a career that requires him to wear a suit. That’s what these people are afraid of and I can sympathize

You just described literally every date night ever for me.

Needs an option where you just binge watch netflix with the demons until you all fall asleep then wake up at 2am and go to dennys. That would be sexy as fuck.

They’re not just annoyed that Brionne looks feminine; they’re annoyed that it didn’t start out that way. Pokemon like Gardevoire, Fennekin, or Gothorita are female-coded throughout their entire evolutionary line, so players can safely categorize them as “girls” and be done with it.

Hot PIDGEYS are LOOKING FOR CATCH right now in YOUR AREA! *flashy banners*

Insane how quick the turnaround on this game has been from incredibly fun, social media darling to near total failure.

The thing about the first letter that seems odd to me is that he’d decide to ask Dr. Nerdlove this question. What made him decide to ask the question in such an extraordinarily progressive-leaning, non-religious, sex-positive forum? “I really need an answer to this; I think I’ll go ask the heathens.”

It’s real. I had friends who had these beliefs. I could somewhat understand the “Worth Waiting For” logic, and for a time I felt comfortable with that. (Read: until my first relationship that lasted more than a couple of months.)

That shit is as real as it gets.

Living in Atlanta here. Man, once you leave the sanctity of the city and enter the depths of the Georgia bible-belt, that shit gets scary. Lots of quiverful people...

I live in Georgia... I grew up with these kids. That shit is so real.

First step? Look in the mirror and ask yourself... “Does she really exist? Really?”

Meh, I played it for a couple years and it got boring. Gave it up like 10 years ago and haven’t looked back.