
At the root of it the furry fandom is literally just liking anthropomorphic characters, over others like some people like ‘moe’ characters or loli characters - and frankly, I think the furry fandom is infinitely more acceptable than any loli fandom.


I think rather than Bugs Bunny or Mickey Mouse, I think better

Oh, sorry dear, I should have been more specific, obviously what I should have said was “in the rural areas out side of Lusaka in Zambia not far from the maximum security prison” - was that specific enough for you? See for most people that means as much as ‘rural parts’ of Africa.

The imps! XD;

Um... this happens, if you’re white and go to rural parts of Africa. The kids love white women’s hair.

I’m just happy I get my black hair styling fix when my best friend comes to stay, I’d learnt to corn row from a Nigerian friend, so I ended up doing her hair when she had to take out her extensions and couldn’t afford

It’s weird, but ASMR puts me on edge, it does exactly the opposite to what it’s supposed to. Like, it’s supposed to be relaxing, but it just makes me want to, I don’t know, rip something up or throw something. >.<;;;

Hey :)

I see a RDM :) Did you play FFXI too? What server if you did?
EDIT: I was Tredrial from Unicorn server :D WHM/NIN!

The world, people, society puts out this image of ‘happiness’ that we apparently need to obtain, but happiness isn’t cookie cutter and it’s different for different people. That being said, if you are

Because perhaps PERHAPS it’s true that the average cosplayer has self doubts? Perhaps these self doubts aren’t *gasp* restricted to people with darker skin tones?

Perhaps it isn’t a colour problem after all?

This is one I did know :D I didn’t even have the magazines or guide, so finding it was a complete fluke!

I find that LGBT-alphabet soup- individuals are pretty bad for labeling others, based on how people look/what people do. I find this funny because, these same people reel at this kind of generalisation.

I lift, I’m not lesbian, I’m not petite - but as a result, I’m an LGBT-soup- magnet, just because I lift. Such

My own (female) perspective, is this is definitely not sexy. Honestly, I’d rather play a game with female models than this, and I’m straight...

Guys just... don’t render well in this type of thing? Unless they were significantly prettier, I wouldn’t be interested.

FYI, I’ve played far too many BL/yaoi dating games. Most