
You forgot about White Josh! WJ looks a lot like Josh. Enough so that I think they're trying to make a point. Rebecca is totally in love with a fantasy if she doesn't even notice how hot white Josh looks without his shirt.

I really enjoyed this episode of AT. The unusual use of colors and animation was very different!

I loved this episode. Susan Strong is so amazing. She's like post-apocolyptic superwoman! Watching her punch out the purple dudes and wear them so she could stand in line at the water cooler was awesome. She basically took down an entire society with her bare fists. I wish this post explained what the circuitry on her

That lullaby was so lovely!

Finn's dad is such a jerk.

Jake and Lady don't seem to see each other much anymore. Did having puppies destroy their relationship?

All that was missing for LSPrince was a gender-swapped Brad!

Why can't PB build him a mechanical arm like she did for Shoko?

PB smiling with a black eye was very unsettling!