
Be warned: certain herbs can only exist in isolation, as if all the other plants want to get the hell away from it as quickly as possible.

Be warned: certain herbs can only exist in isolation, as if all the other plants want to get the hell away from it

Funny, they told me the opposite if i stopped holding my Marvel Comics in public i might get a girlfriend.

Ang Lee also made The Hulk, which I thought was brilliant.

As a gemini myself, I object to being characterized like this.  

The same tips apply to providing internal reviews. HR at my small company sent out a survey asking us to rate all the supervisors in various departments. I made a conscious effort to change my voice and style in all the open answer fields. At least one misogynist now speaks to the women in the office on a much more

Meh. I did the full case mod with D pad, and I found that operating on the Joycon was much trickier than a DualShock or Xbox controller. Having the right screw driver is one thing (they’re cheap and magnetized), but those tri-wing screws being softer than over cooked pasta is another. It’s very easy to strip those

We dance because we have to”

Not me; life is short and if the music is sweet and moves me, I let it rip, full on, life or death. Style isn’t important, the passion it creates is.

We dance because we have to. Sometimes music enters our ears and go into our souls and we just can’t NOT dance.

Counterpoint: bring your own pillow, but use a brightly colored pillowcase (ie: anything other than white), to help it stand out.


I love this.

“Similarly, Faustin says her training sessions can sometimes turn into therapy sessions”

I have been following Noelle since the early early days of her blog and Nimona as a web comic. What a beautiful community grew there in the comment section that I was lucky enough to be a part of. It is strange to think about how young she was then. I have seen her go from this struggling young artist to this

Yeah I’ve been looking for the dildo in the ads and can’t find it. This puzzle is no fun.

I mean it’s a train going in a tunnel, that’s a boner and a half right there just thinking about it.

We are so ridiculously sexually repressed in this country it's embarassing. And honestly, Museum of Sex ads are way sexier, so it's incredibly hypocritical.

I usually pre-mix an old fashioned with the correct amount of simple syrup, bitters, and zest. The zest isn’t as good as fresh, but the bitters/syrup mixture absorbs some of the flavor. Then it’s just a matter of pouring the pre-mix into your glass of bourbon—no need to play mixologist in the sky.

Chargers for laptop computers and suchlike that need wall current rather than USB. Also, game boxes that resemble that remark, to cut down on the “are we there yet?” factor in one of the traditional uses of station wagons.