
Totally! I love how bright and cheerful it is, and it also seems really sturdy for how well it packs down. My other bags are mostly janky free ones which are getting holes in them. For $3, I’m replacing em :)

I keep my reusable bags stuffed into the best/my favorite (which happens to be this Trader Joe’s bag, I should get another next time I’m there, it’s excellent)

Before you spend a lot of money, try a Kiwi. I got mine for $9 and I adore it.

Best purchases:

I finally got to see The Shape of Water this weekend (it finally came to ONE of our theaters) and I loved it so, so much. I also bawled through like the entire last quarter of it. So much heart. So many feelings. I want to go see it again.

Yeah, but I found it utterly charming just how big of WIMPS they both are. Just shrieking and losing their minds over not knowing what’s in the box. Or touching a snake.

Rubber gloves, though. It doesn’t seem to matter how careful I am, or how many times I wash my hands. I still end up with the oils soaked into my skin, not washing off, making my nose or eyes or other parts burn when I scratch. Rubber gloves.

I think this is fair! I was afraid of credit cards for a long time. My mom warned me off of them, and has a history of credit card debt herself.

Haha, that’s what we called it too! It was just always spoon fudge.

This wasn’t her recipe, she swears it worked when (x) did it. My aunt, maybe? Anyway, if I ever feel the need to make fudge, I’ll find a nice, highly rated recipe online ....

My mom always used to make fudge when I was growing up. She never had a candy thermometer, just went by a blop dropped into water. Something about it forming a ball. And then she beat it and beat it and beat it and beat it until it stopped being shiny and then poured it on a plate. And it never — not god damn once —

D’aww, good boofs.

Ours gets a little human food leftover from our dinner sometimes, but I don’t cook for her specially. We’ll leave a couple of chunks of chicken in the pan, or a couple of roasted veggies, and then put them in her bowl with her dinner after we eat. She gets most of her good stuff from her bagged meat cereal, but a

Absolutely. The New 2DS XL is a great system at a great price, and it has a massive back library. She’ll get loads of play out of it.

Whoops, thanks!

Omigosh yes please, this sounds amazing!! What a great list of names!

Yeah, but you don’t charge it and you can’t swap the battery. When the battery dies, you throw it away. Surely there are competing products that have replaceable/rechargeable batteries, right? Otherwise it’s a gadget that lasts about a year, then you toss it.

Fair enough

Most city water is treated, if you’re worried about amoebas and such. I asked my doctor, and he said the water, in my area at least, was safe to put up your nose. So do your research before you put it in your nose, but you don’t necessarily need distilled.