
Well, to be fair, so is most of the straight sex on this show, and IRL as well.

Remember the Gadarene swine? Jesus liked to fuck around with animals like a 12-year-old sicko with superpowers.

Also, isn't company command duty a little beneath a major's rank?

Hey, the general said the performers were going to be loaded into Blackhawk helicopters. Those were, in fact, Hueys.

The most touching thing having anything to do with The Rock.

That was some good historical stickling in "The Series has Landed" though. Without intervention from the ggod folks at the HSS, the upper/capsule stage of the Apollo 11 moon lander wouldn't have been anywhere near the lower landing stage (having blasted Armstrong and Aldrin back up into lunar orbit and then discarded

What is he, gay?

Like a G6?

The best part of American Beauty was Thora Birch's honkers.

Well, if she's really far out in the country, she's probably on a well system, so leaving the faucet running will only show up on an infinitesimally higher electric bill.

If I didn't know better I'd say that actress was James Whitmore ("Brooks" from Shawshank Redemption) in drag. They don't make em like that anymore.

Kind of a cheap shot at the President, no? No one in CK's (the character's) situation, having previously displayed the level of cognition and awareness that he had in the show, could seriously believe he could afford that house. Of course, while a fine performer, he is ultimately working for Rupert Murdoch.

Cooking an egg means you're about to get killed (on the Sopranos).

Nothing can compare the embarrassing lengths they go to to conceal Adele's figure in her videos.

Poor damn pooch. Poor damn prophet…

Yeah, "Lovely! Lovely!" and all that. She didn't really make much of an impression on me with that role other than as a normal-dormal thirtyish girlfriend/barmaid/victim. Oh well, at least her fantastically be-knockered nude body double is probably still alive.

Show of hands; who else is kind of in love with CTh while simultaneously hating almost everything she's ever appeared in as an actress?

It's cheaper to truck the embalmed corpses from a central facility employing 10 or 15 workers than to maintain 10 or 15 independent embalming shops employing two workers. Interestingly, as the price of gas increases, the math behind this business model may change.

His poor mother…

We're ALL in the same gang!