Vivian F. Ford

Ignore Albert, Burger Meister; he has the childish, illogical mind of a leftist. Stealing doesn’t suddenly become permissible just because of a crisis: if it did, then in a crisis affecting Albert and us, all of us are permitted to steal all of Albert’s resources, even against his will. But I’m sure even a fool like

You have learned only the art of telling, not of showing—this is another reason why you are a bad writer. I myself showed why part of your rant was idiotic (alas, most of it is; and it thereby deserves publication just in your diary, not in an online forum). But you have yet to show anything about my comment. Instead,

This childish, badly written rant—it doesn’t even deserve the lowly name ‘blog post’—is so replete with idiocies that, to spare my time, I must confine myself to critiquing only one of its ‘points,’ or rather barely literate outbursts: ‘[Trump] tweeted some dumbass shit about how like if you take down cheap, hollow,