Yup. And his recorded sexual assault strategy with Billy Bush.
Yup. And his recorded sexual assault strategy with Billy Bush.
"Piss on you?! Piss on ME!"
The hilarious part being that, even if DJT said something along those lines with sincerity and was recorded, it would hardly be blackmail material, given the very real shit that's been released and brushed off.
Personally, I'd like for rejected Black Mirror scripts to stop informing reality.
"We'd like to welcome our next guest, ZMF!"
The home energy reactor?
I keep looking down and thinking the same.
"And isn't it true that the Jews put a 'secret sauce' on their Reubens that is actually just Thousand Island?! And who shot Gianni Versace? Was it a Jew? I don't knooow, it was in Miami."
It's the copy of The Catcher in the Rye in his back pocket.
Like a rhinestone cowboy…
"It's like steak and kidney pie, but get rid of the meat and offal and throw in some cheese and tomato sauce!" - a poor explanation I hope to see soon on Yahoo Answers
Moreso than Unos, probably.
How deep is your looooove?
The Postman Always Hugs Twice
Carnage, the Spider-Man symbiote.
The best of a certain kind, for sure. Has deep-dish not made its way across the pond?
Just dare him to eat a large pie from Giordano's.
I Hope They Serve Piers In Hell
Guided by an older mentor, chased by forces nefarious? Unheard of.
He's a mustelid on the edge with nothing to lose!