
My body is ready for this!

With Jo/Florence mentioning how she was killed by a sword, it made me want a full out hunters aka vampire slayers storyline. I want a whole network of them terrorizing our vamps.

They wanted a way to write Accola's RL pregnancy into the show, so this was the big loop they created. Not hard to understand. Not that I think it's amazing writing.

from what i've heard they're not going to last for long, it looks like Connor is getting another male love interest.

While the writing and logic on this show has always been pretty shoddy. I'm going to ultimately chalk this crappy season to MTV rushing the order for season 4, which gave the production team barely any time to work.

This show doesn't have the ability to kill off/write off characters who overstayed their welcome. Add that to the inability to keep actors on the show with solid contracts, it's just bad all around.

"…why is Claire in every single scene? "

Right? And I'm no computer whiz, but how does a regular 'ol metal key give the machines the cue to send a cease and desist message?

Is the show eluding to Stiles having latent powers? When the door opened they (malia and stiles) looked confused (as am I).

this whole episode i struggled to follow the show's logic or just let it ride.

In SDCC, Jeff said the show took freedoms with Malia getting dropped into Junior Year of High School so easily. So I'm assuming they're also not writing "mentally challenged" into her character profile.

lol not to mention how is the beacon hills high sign the entrance to the vault, but the vault was built before the school existed. what a hot mess this vault is.

"because why the heck is a girl who's been out of school since she was 8 years old suddenly in an 11th grade history class with the rest of her peers?"

Who says they were having sex? Everyone is assuming, but we never outright hear Stiles say they had sex. My money is on Malia having nightmares (like from PTSD as mentioned in the review) and she's sneaking into his room for comfort. But the nightmares has her lashing out unconsciously.

Ah, you're right! I stand corrected

Wasn't Vanessa's first time with the Devil? I thought that's what we got from the scene with her mom walking into the room and finding a crazed Vanessa thrusting very nakedly on her bed.

I don't think it was Neal who sent Hook the message to bring Emma back to SB. He just thanked Hook for doing it.

Has it been confirmed that season 4's theme is the circus? I thought it was Area 51/Aliens?

Every episode needs Mikaelson family shenanigans. If not a whole episode of it.

I'm interested to see how the writers will explain why the Mikealson Mafia Family (as I'm referring to them after the last episode lol) won't outright sweep Marcel off the map after they find Hayley. Klaus' endgame is to own NOLA again. Elijah is to stay by his family side and protect them, thus needing to make NOLA