
Q Anon completely ruined the song Touch-Tone Telephone for me, which sucks because it was one of my favorites.

Hi, I’m a lib who thanks your embarrassing and that it’s super cringe to accuse everyone who disagrees with you about the quality of an actor’s performance conservatives! Can we save that for the people trying to murder trans children, pretty please?

Dean Kane isn’t especially well remembered and “the Smallville kid” doesn’t really look anything like he used to so it’d probably fall flat. Plus, they technically already established in the CW Crisis that he gave up his powers.

What Doctors aside from Colin AREN’T “fan favorites”? Hartnell, I guess. 

Guided by the basis that Costner is rich and inherently doesn’t deserve to have so much while everyone else has so little, there’s not really any reason for his ex to deserve it any more when her reasoning amounts to “I’m used to it”.

Whenever these things get told in interviews it’s always presented as the receiver of his wisdom being immensely thankful for the profound insight. Hard to tell if that’s an act or people really do take it that way. It seems in this case they actually ignored him.

They could make the cars less fragile. That’d make it like, a million times more fun, easy.

The developers making gold out of a random and extremely vague comment doesn’t mean the original comment was gold. 

I’m not saying this is a good example of moral consistency, I just object to the idea that the Right wouldn’t say we eat ourselves without the times it’s just hysterics. They would. The validity or invalidity of the scandal doesn’t matter as far as that goes.

People say the Left eats itself when we call out literally anything because the Right doesn’t understand the concept of holding yourselves to your own standards. Sometimes people freak out over a character’s skin being drawn a percent lighter than canon, but you hear “the Left eats itself” every time there’s any kind

It’s counter-intuitively easier to nail cops for this stuff because there’s so much less potential ambiguity to muddy the issue. You can’t argue the cards looked like they were reaching for a gun.

As quotable as that is, it’s hard to ignore he was saying it about Brandon Teena.

That is unironically what a growing number of the mask-off GOP base is calling for, yes.

That’s completely true, which is why the law isn’t the problem. And by “the law”, I mean - this - law. Obviously there are many others that are horrifyingly oppressive and harmful, but abusing this one requires willful distortion.

And my point is, do you want the police to arrest people when they DON’T think a law was broken?

“We think you did it so we’re charging you for doing it” is how laws work, my pal.

Something I’ve struggled with in the past is playing a kind of Russian roulette with pills, where I would take enough to make me very sick but not enough that it’d for sure kill me. It would always make me feel a lot better in the moment because I could tell myself I was (probably) (maybe) going to die but then still

I was going to suggest Fast & Furious, but apparently he first showed up in the fifth movie in that series.

There’s a Mitchell & Webb sketch about them planning out which sketches will be hits and misses. Because they have to. Because it’s a sketch show.

Sounds like it.