
Yeah, sure, but what right would they have to say not to use it in a defaming way if they couldn’t say not to use it any other way either? Who determines when using an IP for a political cause is defamation?

What would the basis for them losing one thing but not the other be? Seems like a case of “I want them to not have this but to keep this” even though it’s not actually logically consistent.

It’s been a pop culture fixture in the UK for sixty years, but decades being a deep cut even by the standards of sci-fi geeks in the US.

I don’t know how to tell you this, but this isn’t a court case. We do not need DNA evidence to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he’s a dick.

I’m sure he’s a total dick in real life but dickish behavior is not enough to validate what I’ve already concluded anyway.

It’s so widely known they felt it necessary to make sure the school be kept up to date by them personally. Right.

He’s a student, not a member of the staff. Literally the only point is to harm his reputation beyond the means of the legal system by running around with a bullhorn about it. Why do we even have trials if we’re just going to say, oh, well, he hasn’t been punished YET, technically, so let’s harass him and yell the word

What possible reason is there for contacting his school?

Streisand effect and all, but hot take: The family is in the wrong. There was absolutely zero reason to email his school about anything other than wanting to hurt someone who had hurt them. Just completely unnecessary and, yes, vindictive. This article is really gross for rubbing it in just how much human beings are

I’m not sure what alternative clause you want instead.

I don’t know how to tell you this, but your ultimate freedom gangbang was done by a country that proceeded to haggle over how much of a person their slaves counted as for the purposes of census-taking. 

No one said it did, we’ve known practically since launch that it sold really well. There was obviously a huge amount of people condemning buying it, but considering how few of those people remained Harry Potter fans by then I’m not even sure there was an active “let’s boycott” movement considering they’d have not

You’re assuming “those shitty thoughts he still has” are like, disliking gay people and not just using a word he shouldn’t say out loud. Will & Grace has nothing to do with this because around that time people his age said that word and it almost never had anything to do with actual gay people, it was a generic insult

They probably wouldn’t have announced the diagnosis if the situation hadn’t begun to crater.

Q Anon completely ruined the song Touch-Tone Telephone for me, which sucks because it was one of my favorites.

Hi, I’m a lib who thanks your embarrassing and that it’s super cringe to accuse everyone who disagrees with you about the quality of an actor’s performance conservatives! Can we save that for the people trying to murder trans children, pretty please?

Guided by the basis that Costner is rich and inherently doesn’t deserve to have so much while everyone else has so little, there’s not really any reason for his ex to deserve it any more when her reasoning amounts to “I’m used to it”.

Whenever these things get told in interviews it’s always presented as the receiver of his wisdom being immensely thankful for the profound insight. Hard to tell if that’s an act or people really do take it that way. It seems in this case they actually ignored him.

They could make the cars less fragile. That’d make it like, a million times more fun, easy.

The developers making gold out of a random and extremely vague comment doesn’t mean the original comment was gold.