
I do think Nintendo is egregious because they put things on pathetic discounts that feels legitimately insulting.

It’s not about having a chance to find out if you like it, it’s about playing the demo and finding out you don’t like it quite enough to justify the price. Factorio may provide three hundred hours of entertainment to a core audience, but there exists a middle ground between that and complete non-interest.

“Potentially” is an important word here, though. Even if someone really enjoys the demo, they might only get a much shorter time out of it than the hardcore audience. A game’s initial launch is for people who would rather pay more than wait and will put those hours into it. For them, the price reflects how much

Sorry for getting heated. I basically agree with you, but I think what I object to is Vice and Jezebel’s presentation, where it’s clear the simple textual content is in and of itself meant to be outrageous. The victim was pressured into a “relationship” that even this article describes as her “seeing” him in the

This is such ridiculous semantics, except at least most people who argue semantics are at least right. You do realize that rape is, in fact, non-consensual sex, right? That’s literally the definition of the word. If someone has a kink and is forcing someone into this relationship and to play into their kink, that’s

Do you know where you could read that the victim was raped by Tate? My fucking post.

I don’t know why you put “and/or actually raping and strangling a woman”. No part of my post advocated or defended “actually raping and strangling a woman”, so I’m really confused as to how you thought the concept of a man “actually raping and strangling a woman” is relevant. 

Andrew Tate is a sex trafficking rapist and this woman’s complaints are 100% accurate. That is not question as far as I’m concerned. However, this text isn’t evidence, because it’s obviously kink talk or at the very least, even if isn’t - I just don’t think even this douchebag is that moustache twirling - it’s so ident

I was running defense for Tom Cruise in my other comment, but man, this is a fucking terrible argument. It’s ridiculous strawman hyperbole for one thing, considering there’s plenty of shit that isn’t made by awful people, but even if literally all of it was tainted in someway, fine. The medium isn’t more important

The feeling I’ve always gotten is that Tom Cruise is a genuinely great, moral person who tries his best to be a light in a dark world while simultaneously being utterly brainwashed by a cult that doubtlessly ensures he’s given special treatment keeping him from seeing it for what it truly is. 

If a stage actor calls in sick they aren’t usually expected to come up and bow, even if it’s the run’s last performance and the understudy only did the one. A Special Thanks credit is a perfectly acceptable balance between acknowledging someone’s work and recognizing the fact that they left the company before the

That seems...reasonable? 

The aforementioned Codex books for each faction all contain some basic lore and details about the society of their respective factions if you want a wiki-style guide to a particular force you’re intrigued by.”

Good point.

If voting for X just to not let Y win was illegitimate, Trump would still be the president.

Fighting game enthusiasts do not drive Smash’s sells, keep it alive, or make the game what it is. Casual players who want to make Pikachu chase Link around with a giant hammer do all of that, and I can prove it to you with math. You seem to think that just because a crowd you hang around in seems lively that means

Not all hate crimes are based in ethnicity. Even when they are, it’s not always distinguishable by a glance, such as in the case of the Irish and Rwandans. I’m not saying Squeenix shouldn’t put more color in their game, absolutely they should, but I’m seriously struggling to conceive of a dumber response than implying

It’s not that Nintendo doesn’t want it to be a fighting game, they just don’t care either way if some people perceive it as one. Thus, they’ve decided that if that’s going to be the case then it might as well be done one hundred percent on their terms, which they can afford to do even with the blowback because the

Why would Nintendo care about if Smash “survives” past selling half a billion copies? Smash isn’t a fighting game. It’s a party game a tiny percentage of people are really serious about, and more power to them, but you have completely the wrong idea about Nintendo’s priorities regarding the series.

Counterintuitively, admitted theft is harder to contort facts into a defense than cases of police brutality, because the latter can always be blamed on the victim having done something to provoke the response.