It could have been special, Marvel.
It could have been special, Marvel.
I super doubt there’ll be a FF7 remake announced this year.
And the Collector’s Edition comes with a real Pip-Boy that you put your phone into and install an app so that you can access the game’s menus using your real Pip-Boy on your real wrist!
Fallout 4, Doom 4, and now Dishonored 2? Bethesda is fuckin shit up.
Vacations are only for people who deserve them and the children of parents who deserve them. If poor people think they should get breaks from work every now and again, they should pull themselves up by their bootstraps. /sarcasm.
“you’ve never worked with the general public before.”
I’ve been working with General Public so long, he was just Lieutenant Public when I got started.
I’d leave a snarky comment, but it would take too much time to think one up and I’d rather go back to playing the demo. Because DAMN this is fun.
Here’s the only Yoshimitsu you’ll ever need.
This is B.S. EBAY!
I think that it is plausible that there are a lot of normal people whose sex fantasies are sick as fuck and they spend their entire lives keeping it to themselves.
I thought the point of this article was to delight in the glorious ass-whooping that the Kung Jin players lays on this spammer. That’s, like, the opposite of crying about it.
Even knowing the outcome, I started raging about halfway through that video. The ending though... So satisfying. So very very satisfying.
I fail to see an issue if it makes an unplayable game suddenly playable.
So is April of 2015 to the PC Master Race what The Battle of Stalingrad and the Winter of ‘42 - ‘43 were to Nazi Germany?
Agreed, I also think it would be cooler if all the tattoos were upside down, as if the Joker himself had been carving them into his own body with his free time. Would lend a lot more creepyness to his crazy.
This is going to end in tears.
I hope one of his fatalities is putting the other fighter into a sleeping bag and starts bashing it against the tree like in Jason X.
Isn’t this just for Fatalities though...I mean it wouldn’t affect an actual match in any way so I honestly don’t see a prob with this
Filed to: White people doing whatever the fuck.