
Right?? This - THIS - is the job of the EC.

See? Force these moments of cognitive dissonance on his minions— “but Pope=good!!! We have to CHOOSE between the Pope and the “savior” of the USA?!”

They shouldn’t be the only ones either.

They had Hamilton’s fail-safe in place for exactly this, and none of them bucked the fuck up to do their intended job.

To a point I try to be understanding about people in shitty situations just trying to do their job. HOWEVER, even the military tells you to disobey unlawful orders, surely CBP can too. Blindly carrying out these holds and purposefully ignoring federal judicial directives is outrageous. Any sympathy I could have ever

This is not about religion

He never should have been elected in the first place. The electoral college is supposed to keep demagogues from being elected, regardless of popular vote (hah). They failed in their task, which should be the last we ever hear of them. I’m so sick of Republicans’ disregard for the law.

Yep. The few who are saying something aren’t actually doing anything, and those who can do something about it aren’t saying anything.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I keep thinking that Republicans are okay with all of this. As long as the money keeps flowing up instead of down, who cares what happens in the overall scheme of the country.

McCaine certainly has a lot to say about how wrong this is. Curiously, he hasn’t said a thing about what he’s actually going to do about it.

The overall Republican silence regarding all of this is deafening.

Bannon would just keep writing them.

Hey, do you guys remember the Arab spring, when protests we erupting all over the Middle East due to their displeasure of their dictators? Who would have guessed that same shit would happen here less then a decade later.

He has to be removed. Immediately. There have been textbooks written about this scenario for the past 80 years.

If only we could get him to only watch kids movies, and stop issuing executive orders.

No, that’s not how that works.

I’d start by disowning any friends and family you have who have ever voted Republican