
Sure you can. You can just stand over here with the rest of us while we roll our eyes at the pitiful little man and remember that all the wretched hate he spews can’t do a damn thing to touch the symbol of love and acceptance that is the rainbow flag.

Yup. He annointed himself. I answered a similar question down below if you want to read it: I don’t want to flood this thread with essays, lol.

Welcome! I used to read you on Jezebel, glad to see you back.

Nope, only one Paul, Paul of Tarsis, also called Saul, which is the Jewish version of Paul. He started out a Zealot, which was a 1st century terrorist group that went around stabbing random people in crowds for failing to resist Roman occupation, although ironically Paul would also claim Roman citizenship, which was a

Schadenfreude is taking pleasure in the suffering of others, shade is giving an insult in such an indirect and offhanded fashion as to leave people in doubt as to whether or not the insult was intended or even given at all. How could one throw shade through schadenfreude?

It’s your body and your sexuality. If you don’t like it, say so. If it scares you, get rid of him.

Early misogynistic fanfic selected and promoted by a group of old men appointed by a corrupt and murderous megalomaniac who wanted to use their faith to cement his own power.

Don’t forget his creepy anti-sex views. If only we’d ended up with Jesus’ version of Christianity instead of Paul’s the world would have been a much kinder place.

You can’t possibly be suggesting some crazy idea like the separation of church and state can you? I mean, that’s madness :o

Paul was seriously the worst. Also a fake apostle, so it makes sense that republicans like him so much.

I know ... :(

I’m not defending Trump, I’m just not giving W a pass. Don’t forget, W lied to start that war in Iraq for no reason other than his ego. Trump hasn’t had the opportunity to do that yet.

Make your husband do playdate drop offs. Works every time.

No about the opposition, about Trump specifically. If I was picking on John Mccain for his looks, then fine, you’d have a point, but for Trump, I say turnabout is fair play.

I know :( but I’m hoping his government will implode into some kind of whiny man-child singularity before he gets to start a whole new war to satisfy his ego like good ol’ W.

I just feel like typing “Red Cescent Maternity Hospital” over and over whenever anyone gets warm and fuzzy for bush.

I don’t know. There’s still the issue of Bush’s body count. Until Trump starts bombing civilian targets and blowing up maternity hospitals in the name of democracy, Bush is still the worst. Don’t forget, if you vote trump out of office, you can restore health care and regulations.

I’m starting to think that a lot of people just stay in terrible marriages for stupid reasons and they can’t fathom that other people don’t. My husband works a lot of long hours at his job, and the number of women I’ve had tell me that means my husband is cheating on me speaks volumes about the sad state of many

Because he calls out women constantly on their appearance and gave us all an expiration date of 35 years old. Because he talks about how he’s the picture of health. Because he defines himself as desirable. Because his friends talk about his perfect genes. Because he is a man without depth and without substance who is

My husband has an African father and a white mother, so watching people shoot themselves in the face just to dismantle Obama’s legacy makes him plenty sympathetic about taking it personally, but I’m not sure he 100% gets why it’s so offensive for women specifically.