
Teenagers are generally stupid because they are still children and their brains are still developing. They are incredibly easy to manipulate and certainly an 18 year old girl is ripe pickings for the kind of man who would tell her that her family only wanted to keep them apart because they don’t understand true love

She was 18. If you give it some thought, you’ll realize that “teenager” is a pretty solid answer to “why would you do something that stupid?”

Well I half agree with you. First lady may not be an electable position, but the president certainly is. If she didn’t want to be first lady, or was concerned about the impact that would have on her child, then she should have pointed that out to her husband in no uncertain terms awhile back. But instead, she

I think those things are totally culture. Indian only becomes an ethnicity when you leave India, just like American becomes an ethnicity if you go to India.

Check his history. He spent a good amount of time defending Trump’s little private press getaway as a totally normal thing that all presidents do, and now he’s defending Melania’s bullshit. I’m not missing the point at all. If Melania wanted to focus on being a mother instead of going to the White House, then she had

It doesn’t, no. Although white American culture also allows very much for evolution, dissent and differences of opinion, so there’s plenty of cause to believe that will change (at least for another 3 weeks or so).

I am honestly terrible at cultural definition. It’s also hard, since white people really aren’t homogeneous (not to imply that other races are either, the West Indies are a far cry from Nigeria, China is not Japan etc.). I suppose white American culture is basically the dominant culture in America. so however you

Saying white people don’t have culture is like saying Americans don’t have accents. It’s there, it’s just that we’re so wrapped up in it that it’s impossible to analyze objectively.

He played it safe, which is always his default, and in this case the results are going to be catastrophic.

Obama stayed silent and Trump won, remember?

How needlessly argumentative of people to argue with someone who takes every opportunity to support whatever absurd thing it is Trump is doing and pretend that they’re some special voice of reason instead of a troll. 

Good job giving props to a Trump troll. Check their post history, they spend half their time here defending him.

Rest in peace Carrie.

Donald was once nice to miss teen South Carolina after the entire world decided they needed to bully a 16 year old girl. Also Bush was an evil violent warmonger who only became president because his brother (Jeb!) rigged the election for him in Florida. They are both terrible.

No, he was evil. He lied so that he could illegally invade a non-hostile nation just so he could satisfy his ego. Thousands of people have died, people and still dying. Or did you forget about Iraq?

Obama’s girls still have to grow up here, and Biden’s grandkids.

Thank you! I have no idea how Bush Jr. managed to get rebranded from the evil. self interested. greedy, stupid, daddy’s boy, warmongering, economy destroying, Cheney puppet that I so clearly remember into basically Dan Quayle.

Did you mean to reply to someone else?

I have also noticed this. I would really like to know what the logic is there. Not because I think it’ll be convincing or profound in any way, just basic curiosity about the mental gymnastics. Like, she’s already unclean so assaulting her is cool? He knows raping someone is wrong so it doesn’t matter if he’s comitting

We would be our own bioweapons. Which likely means that men have never really believed this crap about periods and just use it as a means for control.