
It should be noted that Utah ranks as #1 nationally for incidents of road rage. Additionally a fair amount of these claims involve drivers shooting at other drivers, chasing them down and then threatening them, and also brandishing guns in traffic. So yeah, Utah has a responsibility problem with both automobiles and

I am currently reading “All the President’s Men” as a precursor to the Trump Presidential documentary book. I already know that this will be like comparing knocking off a lemonade stand to robbing Fort Knox.

Oh boy, where do I start. It seems like the Republican party’s response to climate change is to go as hard in the other direction as possible. The scary part is that it makes the conservative base feel better about endorsing candidates who would rather blame other countries for something that they scarcely choose to

A few things to process here:

Space or at least the space around our planet is the next battlefield, just watch and see.

When you spend the last 100 years building the entire infrastructure around the automobile, what do you think will happen? Murica!

Well perhaps if the United States valued its citizen’s physical and mental health over that of corporate wealth then we would live in a much more supportive and compassionate society. This is not the case. The “American dream” is the pursuit of wealth, power and fame. All other values are eclipsed by these primary

It actually looks like she fell face first into a cowpie. The look suits her, give her a MAGA hat to match.

They left out the MAGA hat on the dog logo.

I’d say it takes pretty determined planning and intent to construct, douse and plant crosses and burn them anywhere. It isn’t a spontaneous 4th of July activity or teenage prank. Whoever did this knew exactly what it meant and did so with serious intention.

I’ve been a fan of Salsa Verde since they came out. For a big brand chip they are pretty good and consistently offer good flavor. I still rue the decision for Funyuns to do away with the wasabi flavoring, huge mistake! Doritos introduced a flavor known as “Zesty Ketchup” this summer and all I can say is that it is as

Well, you could see Aussie Floyd or Brit Floyd but the original Pink Floyd is done. I suppose Roger Waters would be good too but you’d have to listen to him lecture. I’m sure they will have a EDM show there or a rave but I can think of better acts to see there.

Was he referred to after school detention? Honestly...high school tactics.

Nice reference.

If they are Mormon crickets then they have a billion more brethren in holding in an offshore account.

Here’s a holiday to add for all the southern states and insecure caucasians who are dragged kicking and whining into the 21st century: Jim Crow day celebrates the 1896 Plessy vs Ferguson Supreme Court decision ruling public facilities to be upheld as “separate but equal”. The holiday will be observed on May 18 of each

This is what happens when you don’t rake the forest enough...

Just put “Don the Con” back in the White House, he’ll tell you the solution is to rake your forests.

The fact that all things supernatural, aliens, bigfoot, cryptids, ghosts, demonic possession, etc., never can provide any substantive proof drives me to become more of a skeptic. I enjoy watching shows about those subjects but at the end of the day there is not actual evidence that ANY of it exists. It has not been

Maybe Tucker should go and summon Glenn Beck from exile and then they can form the Proud Boys/Supremacist network to become an unstoppable force in American fascism.