
I personally like The Ref starring Denis Leary and a pre-scandal Kevin Spacey. Good family conflict-based holiday story with a mischievous twist that makes Home Alone look like the child’s play it is.

And the Bull Connor award in 2021 goes to...

Pretty ironic that professional sports leagues deny the pressing issues of inequality between gender and race in this country while maintaining a “you can’t tell me what to do with my body stance” regarding the immunization shots. Then, when their athletes drink that Kool-Aid and behave irresponsibly (like 20 year old

Oh to be a white, conservative, Fox host. Tough life with all of the liberal corruption and immorality diverting pristine conservative/Christian values into the Socialist gutters of the world. “Think about the tannenbaums!” Never mind that homeless, mentally ill individuals must consider burning trees for warmth and

The worst part about this scenario is the human factor, we have a planet of 7B+ now. Around 5-6 of these rely on the power grid and internet for their daily livelihood. Removing this convenience basically will trigger a global riot as a result of the breakdown of the supply chain. We have seen how even the smallest

...but Walmart will still sell Justin Bieber albums.

At this point is is obvious that the political system is broken and there’s not an easy fix. If you are looking to the “left” or the “right” for salvation then you are looking in the wrong direction. That having been said, politics is now rapidly assuming the same mantle we have placed on celebrities and athletes in

Well, we’re all going to get Donnie 2.0 in 2025 as #47 so might as well get used to it. What the future inherits will be a broken ecology run by broken governments. Sounds like a great book/movie synopsis...

This is ‘Murica file cyclists under the same category as 2nd class humans. Along with women and minorities. MAGA!

There’s always Uncle Donnie (#45) “stop the wedding steal!”

The news story headline should have been:

Sounds like Mr. Laundrie discovered that Utah is a great place to hide a body...for awhile. This state has no shortage of homicide cases involving pretty, young white girls disappearing only to be found thrown down mine shafts, buried in mattresses and left in landfills, dismembered and burned in fire pits...

Everything Ken Burns touches is gold, I expect this to be no less outstanding than any of his other works.

Given the behavior of passengers on airlines recently maybe the company should change its name to Affrontier Airlines. Just start pumping nitrous into the cabin to calm these idiots down, it will be the best flight they ever took and the easiest for the crew.

I’m done with the NBA. Big-market, agent driven moneyball game these days.

Consider the “can of worms” open when you dare take a side about a film or show dealing with the Star Wars mythos. Fanboys and girls can’t resist, but in the end it is all fun and games: “Are you not entertained?!”

Stephen A. Smith is immune to making racist remarks since he is black; Rachel Nichols cannot offend another woman as they share gender; Lola Rabbit is a filthy whore...

They ARE tree rats...

I would assume a “Kevin” but maybe that’s too easy. How about “Guy”?

Now that ESPN is a Disney owned property, where’s the outrage? They axed Gina Carrano for an implied reference to the holocaust but Smith gets to play the “I’m black so I can’t be a racist card” anytime he wants?