Mr. Limbaugh will lie in state in the lobby of Trump Tower until his burial scheduled for February 29th on the 18th green of the Mar-A-Lago golf course. His headstone has been graciously sponsored by Oxycontin.
Mr. Limbaugh will lie in state in the lobby of Trump Tower until his burial scheduled for February 29th on the 18th green of the Mar-A-Lago golf course. His headstone has been graciously sponsored by Oxycontin.
I’d like to see all entertainment, sports and recreation including hospitality industry come to a complete and utter halt. Walkout on the job and leave this entire country with nothing but the option to lockdown and consider what America is...still. More than a hundred years after the Emancipation Proclamation began…
Remember Stephen Paddock? Most readers will not because his name is not printed, spoken or discussed in our “open media” frequently if at all anymore. Paddock was the Caucasian individual who went on a human safari in Las Vegas several years ago. It resulted in the largest mass-killing spree in American history.…
In the 21st century it isn’t about fighting a pandemic or doing what’s best for the overall, common good. It’s them vs us and by that I mean the .001%. And they are winning as they should since the game is rigged. Humanity is so pitiful that it will allow itself to perish based on the principles of those who have more…
Oh Utah, always the wrong way to attention and fame...
Fox News channel would be Goebbels’ wet dream.
I’m hoping that his eminent re-election (thanks to an archaically rigged electoral vote system) leads to a real zombie apocalypse. At least people will get to act out the violence and chaos they have idolized for years.
Aunt Becky needs some bars, er, links of sausage to add reality.
Hey, the Confederate Flag is just an alternate take on ‘Old Glory’. There are stars, stripes and bars...
Ah, Tucker Carlson, America’s pasty, pudgy, racist Jeff Bridges. Heir to the Swanson dynasty, entitled to his opinions as deigned by the mighty Fox News conglomerate. Future organizer of “White Lives Mattered” in the year 2025 after the White House belongs to a black AND a female.
Pork Soda was definitely one of their weirder studio efforts. DMV is a pretty good summary of any experience going to one of those facilities.
Honestly, week to week this feels like a James Bond film with the supervillains being played by our administration. I wouldn’t be surprised for the next State of the Union Address to feature “the Donald” wearing an eyepatch and petting a hairless cat or dog while cackling manically in front of a global map.
Pretty rich for a team that hasn’t hoisted a superbowl or even conference banner in it’s entire history. Maybe they’d have a perfect season if they played Sigfreid & Roy each game?
You’ll all be so disappointed when our broken and corrupted political system appoints him President for four more years in November as the cherry on top of 2020's dessert.
I believe chicken dung can be used to create a potent explosive, so this could very well backfire (pun intended) on the authorities.
Go figure, in times of trouble the Caucasian majority turns to xenophobia to assuage their paranoia. Sure its easy to blame someone else for terrorism, pandemics, poverty, war, etc. but its also the least productive ways to deal with crisis. This also afflicts not just whites but any majority who reacts out of fear…
Carl Sagan: the Fred Rogers of astrophysicists.
Wonder if he’s seen “Triumph of the Will” or “Birth of a Nation”? He’d probably binge watch those over and over again. Given his intellectual level (wrasstlin’ NeckCar)“No Holds Barred” and “Taledegga Nights” are more his speed. Even the moral arc of most Marvel films would be beyond his mental capacity and he’d…
This is a little closer to that utopian fantasy of a “millionaire tax” that Bernie and others keep tossing out in their campaigns. I’ve got news for you, America: A millionaire tax will never happen in a country founded and controlled by rich, old white people. Do you see Trump, McConnell, Cruz, Romney or any of these…
Oceania has risen: Behold the emperor/supreme leader in all of his orange glory. Death to the subordinates and all who oppose him! Let all who do not follow be consumed with the flames of nationalism.