
Will buy at launch. It bewilders me to know that this game will go relatively unnoticed while total shit like Avatar can gross $2.5 billion.

@Orionsaint: So your just talking for the sake of talking and don't have a real answer to contribute... got it.

@Orionsaint: Did you mean that it could be completed in 8 hours of one day or did you neglect my question entirely?

@Orionsaint: many days would that even take?

What is the other part of that device for... you stick it up your ass or something?... now I truly understand the meaning of ignorance is bliss.

There is a SouthPark about this... well kinda, "you have such big American penis!"

I would pay all of the women in these pictures not to play with me :(

@GerudoThief: I was just thinking the same thing yesterday, but not even in relation to Nintendo. Sony has been working of 3D technology for a long time that involves expensive glasses (like $100-200). I wouldn't be surprised it gets to the point where everyone ends up buying their own 3D glasses to carry around with

@Trigger_Figger: Your right, they should have just let the PS2 live forever as well... insert bitch slap here.

Do the right thing... get your 360 confiscated.

@valor79: I think in this case, it was a well warranted joke...

Please just make a better control set... I loved everything about the game except the controls...

@Mhazz: Lets start our own country...

@Mhazz: I hold myself to a certain standard... If you can pinch anything it's fat. Why would I accept less from the models I have to look at?

and the award for ugliest models goes to....

PS3 needs something like this, or cloud storage for saved game files. I hate only being able to play my FF XIII file on my PS3... I want to take my saved game on the road and show my friends how epic the game is. That's only the latest in a long line of examples of why I would like portable storage though...

I would have easily bought this for $.99 but I won't being paying a penny more for digital pictures...