
"real boxers don't move like this.." *insert girly flailing movements*

@Ragna Bloodedge: haha, I agree completely. Those creatures are meant to be faced after you have unlocked the 5th level. I'm a fresh level four, why can't I beat the Adamantoise... oh man, I guarantee there are people sitting there thinking they have to beat one to move on.

@Ueziel: ...but I still have to complete mission 51 first and that requires all the preparation required for tackling the Faultwarens. By the time I'm actually done with that and have my Genji Glove I won't be all that worried. Also, I'll probably take care of the Gilgamesh item and open up that store and have all

I need to get something off my chest about this sites FF XIII review. Did they even play the same game as me?... The main story is pretty easy, I never would have thought to use a word like grueling to describe the last chapter. The only hard things to accomplish in the game come after the main story is over when you

@icarus212001: What the heck are you talking about, my friends that abuse substances the most are professional gamers who think they are vicariously living the lives of Pink Floyd.

Probably the most beautiful game of all time. I am loving XIII.

@Beanis: yeah, Adam Frucci from Gizmodo, please be gone....

@nick111: It only hurts you if you don't answer the census, the tax money you pay won't be appropriated to account for you. Also, you won't be taken into account when drawing political boundaries.

@TVs_Frank: Not if you are fired for cause, that is the exact reason they would put the stipulation in the first place.

Crecente's facial expressions make the video... They read "why the fuck am I here?" lmao

@baberg: It depends on the total length of the game. ME doesn't compare to XIII in terms of the length of the game. You played less than 1/12 of the game. In the world that I live in you must play at least a preponderance of the content before you can make any conclusions about it.

@Mokomani: Cause that would make sense with them just getting fired from the company that owns all the rights to the franchise... Think.

@enewtabie: I am assuming that there is some kind of clause in their contract that keeps them from going to EA, a la the Conan O'Brien fiasco. Otherwise I think that EA would have offered them a Brinks truck as they left the building.

@baberg: "That's patently untrue. I liked FFX just fine and FF13 got me fed up to the point of quitting after 4 hours."

@Patient: It's not half as bad as many reviews make it seem. If you liked FFX then you should like this game, if not then you should probably find a new franchise to invest in because the genre has obviously taken a new turn. Where games where once "RPG's" they are now "Action-Adventure" titles. It's really a matter

@sazzrah: lol, I said the same exact thing basically... I think we were typing at the same time, but you beat me by a couple seconds.

So there is no reason for the PSP spike?... 30,000 more people just decided to buy a console this week randomly...

@Azures: I'm laughing, but that will the only reason I ever use motion controls...

Does Activision even have any idea what the consumer cares about anymore?

@StarDrowned: Sorry but because society values my time I happen to get compensated well for it and ergo am not poor. I can't be held accountable for rubes who can only afford to game on such a crass system.