
@zerocool01: When people are saying they will turn down a free $400 worth of goods you know a major cultural rift has been created. I laughed quite hard myself.

Good for those fans! We all acted like ass holes (I mean the whole crowd, not just my one friend who was with me) where I picked up my copy at midnight too and no one would admit they were there to get a 360 version; only PS3 versions were sold that night. It is their prerogative to sell it on any platform they want

So this small game from an under-the-radar franchise came out this week... I think it was called "Final..." something, ah I can't remember. I think I might give it a shot.

@SecCom: I understand why people were upset after the first one, it was a huge disappointment but that is often the case with the first game in a series. Mature gamers should be able to forget whatever might have happened in the past (this works in the reverse way too) and solely judge the game that is at hand.

@SecCom: Fable 2 was excellent, it even won Joystiq's GOTY...

@djricekcn: Wouldn't it be nice if you could be a gaming recluse that also managed to find smoking hot women like the ones that are always featured in these commercials....

@ttocs: Do you know if there is a *good* way to change the control scheme for MAG? Personally, I hate the Killzone 2 control scheme, which is basically what MAG uses. I love the CoD controls scheme but am not a particularly big fan of the series. If I could set MAG to CoD controls I would definitely get it...

@Covertghost: Is this beta even being offered on the PS3? I have only ever seen 360 codes...

@vickissv3: Ripoff, sure... Shitty, not at all. The technology is everything the Wii mote should be...

@douglasjfresh: Jewel cases of old, simply for nostalgia. The first two games that come to mind are VII and MGS and that is pretty good company (not that simply having a jewel case puts you up there).

@ttocs: I didn't buy it because my brother did but everyone I know said they liked it but I still see them playing MW2 online instead.

@heavyglow: False, console gamers are such because they hate the keyboard and mouse. That is probably the reason... PC gamers stick to their platform because they can't let go of their mouse and console gamers use a real controller because it is superior in every way. Hence, the millions of console gamers that

I need video, words will never do this justice.

@Shawnrw222: I agree 100% that the story in Bioshock is unquestionably better than its sucessor but I do think that the gameplay is better in 2.

@Shawnrw222: I don't wish poorly of any studio that produces a quality game like Bioshock. Bioshock was their baby and they did a hell of a job with it; Bioshock 2 was their chance to outshine themselves as far as gameplay. In my opinion, they exceeded in that regard. Because of B2, we can now move on from Rapture

To give you an idea of how much we spent, we will throw a number from a different company at you and in no way set up its context... Great article, WoW cost $100 million... What might have been a better reference point is how much the previously most expensive game by EA cost. You have told me nothing.

@Cochese: Is Secretly Chip Ormsby: SE has gone on the record many times saying that it is because MS will not allow the game to have cross platform play.

@Gun Metal Gray: Not gonna happen, it goes way beyond Squiffy's points... They will not allow cross platform play because it only benefits this game and hurts their monopoly of "hardcore" online gamers across many games. At best, you will not see this game until after it is launched on the PS3 an PC.

@Mcmole2: No 360 support, they got tired of cutting content so it could be played on an inferior console... Thats not the real reason, but it sounds better.

@Lainface: I am from PG and moved to Baltimore...