
@cwbys21: That is what they want you to believe but I think they are just being prideful about not resting on the laurels of VII. You would have to have the ODST marketing team to f* up the release of this remake. Also, this is the reason why collector editions are made. They could charge like $200 at first and they

@Hunter-Killer-47: I just found this line in it, must have missed it the first time... "Music is rendered via a MIDI track that sounds like a three year old jamming out with the preset fills on a Casio keyboard." It's making me laugh my ass of because my ringtone is the level up ditty.

@Hunter-Killer-47: I happen to whole heartedly disagree with that, but because I am a nice guy...

I find it hilarious that this post has more views in a half hour than many on this site get in a day. Mention the phrase VII and thousands will flock instantly... and I am supposed to believe that they aren't going to eventually do a remake. If that's true you need to start titling articles about this topic "Square

@Culebra: I will give you that it does seem interesting. I also enjoyed that montage to give me perspective about the other characters... that girl I mentioned earlier could definitely make it on there though.

The wording of that title had me worried, I read it as; if we can't make it in a year from now it isn't going to happen. Thank wouldn't even make sense! Glad to see my fears were in vain. SE can talk all they want, but the truth is, a VII remake is inevitable. No one will pass over that much money. I've heard the

@Culebra: Well I only played the demo, but the P.I.'s acting was OK. The acting of the girl he goes to meet was possibly the worst voice over of all time. It isn't that they don't sound like Americans, it's that they sound like people trying to act like Americans... and they do it very poorly (IMO).

@Makidian: They are having a hard time swallowing that pill though. The DSi is crap component wise and still pulls down $170. I see why Sony feels like they should be able to charge at least as much, but they just don't have the same rabid fan base or library to keep demand up. Some progress has been made but no one

@Culebra: Definitely not spam. Also, if you are in the camp of Kotaku, and myself, you will hate the English voice acting. I would try the French or Spanish if I could...

@jack2pot: Your review sounds pretty much in line with the others I have read... My bigest pet peeve was with the voice acting. Just like the Kotaku review said, it was awful... Like some of the worst voice acting I have ever heard out of a AAA game awful. How did they let that slide? If it's the only thing that would

I dream of the day that Nintendo returns to making hardware I respect. I love so many of the first party titles but I can't bring myself to getting a Wii (again). I got one launch day and kept it for about 6 months and then sold it.... At the time the only thing worth playing was Zelda, which was disappointing and the

If the iPhone could just get real controls then it might actually be one of my favorite gaming systems. Until that date, I can only really use it for games like link4. CoD Zombies portable is an awesome concept, if only I could respect the platform.

@Chances: If you still have the same PSP in ten years then you have nothing to complain about. Also, this is completely different. The servers that are making news by going offline are those that host online games. The PSN network is here to stay as long as Sony is around, since digital distribution is the future

@Makidian: I think they keep the price high because if they lower it, they will have to lower the cost of the other PSPs. They need to decide which device to bank on... the one people actually respect or the one that's a joke even in Japan. I know which one Sony will choose!

Seems odd they would do this right before they go through the major relaunch... Maybe they just want their loyal fans to hate them.

@YuniYoshi: haha, yeah... on the beam half way down the ladder. I've tried to get that a couple times. I'm a Royal (I know... but it's my first play through), so I have the MP regen and cling rings equipped. Is it worth me continuing to jump off that beam and dying?.. I haven't actually lost any souls from it yet,

@YuniYoshi: Yeah, I did that (very beginning part)... I think I got screwed. I went exploring over there and was expecting to fight someone but then no one came and there was just loot laying on the floor and when I tried to pick it up it wouldn't let me so I left the level and went back and now nothing is there. Was

@YuniYoshi: I'm still on the beginning part of the game but I haven't got any good drops yet... and yes, I have decent luck. I'll have to find someone else to kill and see if I can score some good loot.

OK, that trailer was awesome... And I would actually pay for a GTA type game where I wasn't supposed to do anything but find awesome ways to kill people like that, so in answer to the plot question - no it does not.

Sorry for the double post guys... That was weird.