
I will be polishing my awesome Guitar Hero skills and doing some grinding in Demon's Souls...

They have totally different prices for the AC2 content then Joystiq... I'll have to do some investigating and figure out what the deal is. Maybe it was in pounds or something.

@Ratfuzz: While this predates all, games from that era are still some of the finest we have today... Tetris, Space Invaders, etc.

@CoKy14: Fable II took at least a year to offer episodes.

I didn't care about Heavy Rain's QTE nature that much until I read this review... Now I realize what could have been.

@DoctorWhorrible: Your right, my mind was still on the Lost Planet 2 article...

@cyruss: Games are way to expensive where you are buying them... Stateside AC2 is $40 and I would say its a steal for that price. I understand not wanting to pay over $81 for a video game but if you can get it for $40, grab it and run... it's worth it if you even remotely enjoyed the first one.

@Reavyn29: Demon's Souls.... But that's mostly because I have to repress the memory of those waisted hours when I die twice in a row.

@Amsterdaam: Same here, the game was more fun than I thought but the story was so randomly spliced together I couldn't keep up.

@Kobun: It does, but not all the way through... Just to finish of the bosses, a la God of War.

@JayUnreal: Some companies do it right, look at Arkham Asylum. I think the real opportunity here is to bitch at 360 owners. They didn't say they cut the content because they wanted to later sell it, they said they had to because the 360 sucks.

@ttocs: I haven't seen anyone attempt to defend their decision, and usually in a community like this at least one person will step up and play devil's advocate. I can't see the decision standing... Even if they have to leave it on AC2 for whatever reason, I doubt the policy will see future Ubisoft games.

The picture in the article alone makes me want to play this game.

@ihatko: This actually goes hand-in-hand with another topic I have been advocating around Kotaku... The need of trophies in PSP games. If this new anti-piracy stance was a step towards adding trophies than I would be willing to abdicate my other argument, otherwise it just infuriates me further.

@ihatko: I'm mostly talking out of my ass because the only games I have ever pirated are for the PSP, and at the cost of free they are still not worth my time anymore... The PS3 and 360 both do a good job of keeping pirates away (the first completely *, and the later only if you care about online). Anyways... I've

The horse in the picture looks like a unicorn. Also, I want this content badly... still just $4 right?

@ihatko: I'm going to pirate everything I possibly can, regardless if I'll ever use it... I'd love to see a $1.5 million judgement against me, I'm as broke as they come... good luck seeing a penny.

@Accordion: That's why I use Amazon... but they are pretty much as bad as a retail store in the sense you mean.