
@Omegastrider Has laser eye beams: Read the article, if you pirate it you can't do it at all... If you buy it used you pay another $20 for a download voucher. The download step only occurs after registering it in the first place. If that still doesn't make sense; if you torrent the game you still have to pay full

Garbage... I understand the measures against pirating completely, to attack used game sales like that is an atrocity. It is your responsibility as a gamer to boycott this mess. I hardly ever buy used games myself, but if I couldn't trade them in after I beat them my lifetime collection would be emaciated.

@DukeOfPwn: If the only purpose of that is to keep people using Ubisoft's new achievement system honest, it will fail quickly. I wonder how long the guy that made the 'online only' decision will keep his job.

@Kobun: I don't need a published one per say, its just that everything I found online is a cluttered mess typed up in text edit... I'll check out GameFAQs though, I don't think that was one of the sites I looked at.

One could argue that things like "slow news day" do pertain to the article at hand. It is our vote that the story is not really news, just filler content... I understand how that could get out of hand and how it is hard to draw a line since it is totally subjective; the blanket rule seems a little excessive though.

@fauxbravo: I was actually going to mount an argument until I saw it says specifically, "slow news day." I'll behave now....

In related news, 17.2% of the people that took this survey only own a Wii.

This week was slow on real gaming news so I'm just gonna report on dolls. Yes I chose that word specifically.

Looks like I can stop buying crap in April and actually start playing it....

@Y-bot: Yeah man, why does Pepsi feel the need to put their name on the can? It's on the box already... It's as if products need marketing or something.

@Weirdwolf NEEDS SLEEP BADLY!: Maybe its because you have a ten year old PC... Buying a new one has got to be cheaper than keeping up with the cost of updating components and proprietary software after a certain period of time.

@fygar77: Indeed it does, and this answer is in regardes to console versions, but they are considered opportunity purchases. They figure you are buying it cause you don't want to get into the car, drive to the store, blah blah blah... so they just charge whatever they want.

Preemptive disclaimer to this question; 1)I know there are many guides, and YouTube, available online.

I'm gonna use this opportunity to take back the negative things I said about Demon's Souls... Once you get over your self-pride (dying a remarkable amount of times), to actually open up the game, it is quite addicting.

@Interstella5555: I see where you are coming from, but with that argument not many RPGs even exist these days. One could place it in the action/adventure genre though....

Any news on the release date of said DLC?

I didn't think it was great and I definitely didn't hate the game either. I don't know why it was so polarizing as well. I thought it was a solid RPG that kept me entertained, not a GOTY candidate my any means but certainly better than the haters would have you think... I thought it was refreshing to have some aspects

If anyone plays World Tour on expert for the PS3 let me know so I can add you as a friend... It is impossible to find anyone good on the PS3.