
I still don't see how her level of vitriol was appropriate. Has she never made a mistake? Does this happen often? I've hurried down to stores to get something before and was told that the person on the phone had made a mistake (most recently, a copy of Mario Kart 8 wasn't held for me). I did not freak out because it's

I am so disappointed by this post and the vast majority of the comments on it. The Daily Show, however inadvertently, included a racist and islamophobic joke in its recent broadcast. That is the issue here. I don't understand why shaming teenage girls for caring about that is what you chose to do. And also, the

Honestly, I think they should've gone with the obvious choice of Beiber. The joke would've been less of a problem because he's truly an asshole who terrorizes folks. But in regards to 1D, context is important b/c Zayn has been called a terrorist on multiple occasions just because he's Muslim. It's the same with those

I think these One Direction fans have a point. Being racist toward someone as a form of satire to criticize something else doesn't make it okay that you're being racist. It was inappropriate when the Colbert Report did the same thing with Asians to make fun of the racism in a football team's name and it's

Yes, it's offensive. I'm a Muslim who is constantly accused of being a terrorist, so I can understand the crap Zayn is going through.

As a person with iranian roots, having heard a lot of comments - yes, I find it racist. Sorry, Jezebel, there are a lot of articles about racism against black people here- why don't you take this issue as seriously?

Right? The first instinct is to say they are idiots that missed the joke...but he *has* been targeted for this very thing which isn't funny at all. I suppose that's the risk with using actual people in your satire.

Well those "jokes" actually affect other people negatively and promote hate. Some people have to constantly struggle with being called a terrorist and getting strange looks wherever they go so maybe you can try being more considerate of others.

Yeah but I really can't be too mad at them for responding like this either. We're constantly pointing out how it's not just intent that matters when judging something as offensive and being ignorant of context is motivation to learn more, not be defensive. The greater context here is that One Direction does have a

But why does it have to be flattering? Is the sole purpose of fashion to make your body look thinner and if you don't look thinner did you fail? Every time I see her picture anywhere its a flood of unflattering or stand up straighter and it feels equivalent to asking women to smile more. Whether she is trolling or

You are so unjustifiably abrasive in these comments.

This just in: Jezebel staff as equally unable to handle criticism as their reader base.

I don't really care about it being unfair to men. Actually, I don't really care at all. I'm just saying that if women are going to stoop to our level of sexism, then men have no incentive to change their behavior. So bash us for sexism or join us in it, but doing both just works against yourself.

Yeah, I guess I'm an asshole to be offended by this post.

..says the writer for a site with a comments section (replying within that comments section, nonetheless).

Thanks Tracie, I'm really looking forward to seeing that later today!

So, this all part of the process of "leveling the playing field"? The strategy now is to "get even" instead of discouraging the objectification of women? Okay.

No one cares about your lady boners.

Then why allow comments?

When will you be posting the illustrations of what Disney princess pussies look like?