Vitamin C

“a Catholic dude who showers after sex.”

Wall of text, much?

But so does the ex partner wanting to use them without his consent

In these cases, I’d compare it to trying to sue an ex because you wasted all your childbearing years with them?

Less diagnosis likely means more babies being born with the virus, but okay Texas.

There are many other reasons people are barred for donating. Being in Europe during the mad cow outbreak is one of them. A year if you goon a trip to somewhere with malaria. A year if you’ve been incarcerated. And etc... All together a large portion of the pop is barred from donating at any given time.

Just pondering ethically... how can altruism be subjected to discrimination? The very nature of the act means, it’s made out of selfless desire? What right does one have to have their donations of anything accepted?