A horse


I just worry about the poor boys. WONT SOMEONE THINK OF THE MEN?!? 

I have to say I’m pretty angry about the responses saying they can just not apply and look elsewhere. It’s not like jobs are easy to find anywhere... But anyway...

Good. I’m sure Toriyama could arrange to get some juicy kickbacks for such an arrangement, but I respect that he won’t allow his characters to be used for gambling machines.

What about large, black painted circles? Does the car fall in?

I singled out Kyle in my town and send him letters asking what it’s like to be an NPC in a video game, and what happens when I turn the power off. He usually replies about how much he likes trains

Damn I was really, really hoping for Kefla! Absolutely the best character to come out of Super.

I’ll assume you’re commenting in good faith despite your use of an awful buzzword like “identity politics,” so consider this: Lots of girls are taught that video games and game development are for men. Girls Make Games is an institution designed to teach girls that hey, they can play and make video games too, which