
Am I the only one who enjoyed The Saint?

Nice to know I'm not the only one who preferred B'Ellana over Seven.
Not that there's anything wrong with Seven. :ducks fanboys' opening volley:

First time I watched this, the schmuck who loaned it to me hadn't rewound it all the way, so I was hoping the kids were going to make it the whole time, rather than the bittersweet opening where you're pretty sure how they end up. I didn't speak to him for a week, once the tears dried up.

The idea that any top-of-the-chain predator could survive with movement-based vision is more than a little absurd nowadays. Back in the 80s and 90s, when we were still focused on the reptilian ideas of dinos, it was assumed that most, if not all, had movement-based vision like many reptiles today.
JP put that in as a

Wright's a whackadoo, they're better off without him.