Ah Master Race PC gamer eh? ;)
Ah Master Race PC gamer eh? ;)
Deus Ex! Deus Ex! Deus Ex! Deus Ex! Deus Ex! Deus Ex! Deus Ex! Deus Ex! Deus Ex! Deus Ex! Day Sex! I mean Deus Ex!
Kotaku competitions. Photoshop contest, Comment-Of-The-Day contest, someone who writes an interesting article on TAY contest, etc..
It's a Kotaku policy. I can't speak for what the other sites in our company do or don't do. Overall, Gawker Media's ethos is to be transparent. That's the quality you should and I believe can see across all of the sites. How that manifests itself on each site, in terms of which things a site will or won't do might…
Titan Crush?
Memories of February are buried pretty deep down I'm afraid.
So you weren't compensated in any way? I usually dislike the idea that people believe that they should get something every time someone or something is in the wrong. But this situation seems like you should have been compensated.
So we the gamers get to take the RISK on kinect instead of billion dollar corporations. God forbid EA, Ubi and ACTI take the risk on Kinect. Instead, they expect us to all buy the mandatory peripheral on the HOPES that they eventually create software worth using.
Nonsense. The kinect has been out for years and it hasn't done anything impressive in the gaming space. A true killer app is going to come from developers creating something awesome and that consumers want to buy, not by forcibly mandating that kinect be included and hoping the developers eventually make use of it.
I'll give it that, but Microsoft just seems to be pulling sequels out of halo for a series that after the third installment, could have been wrapped up. But no, they had to keep making more and it's getting repetitive. I personally don't like Halo because I think that it messed up the first person shooter and everyone…
Dying isn't a problem in Darksouls. Nothing is a problem. Once it's fixed, it's not a problem. I leveled up, died a few times, got my stuff back, beat it. Having a problem would imply me speccing in to the wrong stats or something to create an incorrect build, or perhaps killing an NPC that's required to progress the…
"There is a kid-friendly recreation area where adults can drop off their young ones while they go look at giant dicks."
Dear idiot.
I'm always amazed by how the conversations about the Ouya and emulation seem to turn into a bunch of people pretending they know whether or not it's legal to own/use ROMS. Let's ignore that question for a moment, shall we, since it's clear that there's no single way of interpreting these things.
"First off those reasons were very good reasons for region locking. Australia, for example regularly bans mature titles. Now if Ninty makes it easy for those games to be imported the country might just ban Nintendo products all-together!"
While this is a way better sell than what Microsoft PR did, I'm still not seeing it.
I mean, Jon there just admitted that they were using the supposed cloud power for dedicated servers alone. Which doesn't require 24hr checks.
And then he pointed to some still very vague thing that quite frankly, I don't know if it's…