
Love the car, not the price.  300HP + AWD should be around $32-34k.  It’s a hard sell for me.  This makes used STI or last year models more attractive.  At $46k, you’re talking Golf R and even BMW m240Xi.  Both of these cars are not only faster but more luxurious.  300HP is no big deal, even the Camry V6 XLE makes

In all honest, if you look at the GR Corolla’s interior.  Is this a $46k interior?  I don’t care how expensive the drivetrain development.  The Type R is not only gonna be faster but the interior means business.  WRX interior is also cheap but atleast the car is under $30k.

That’s BS, the bigger Toyota.  The Camry can be spec with 301HP for under $35k.  The GR Corolla should be priced at $34-36k at most.

Thats because NYC has passed laws limiting drivers.  So these poor folks are driving to the suburbs to get fares.  That's why it's a gig, there are those who will do anything to make a few bucks.

They should cap it down more.  Drivers are too stupid to realize there are too many of them chasing the same customers.  Traffic has gotten worse because they flood the streets and idle on streets.  We can blame Uber but the blame is also on the city government for not doing anything to cap drivers sooner.  

These people don't understand it's a gig.  I work as Uber driver part-time by offering my car as car pool for commuting to my work.  I get paid for picking people up on my route to work.  Uber is making it harder for real carpoolers by limiting how many locations you want to go.  They're pushing every driver to become

The 02' WRX had only 227HP and it felt quick because if the turbo but it is heavier than BRZ.  The only thing is the AWD helps get off the line.  I think around 250Hp is a good number for next gen BRZ without a turbo.

Can't wait for more Darwin awards handed out.

Getting tired of these classic mini consoles.  Where a custom built RPi takes the duty of hosting all of these emulators.

I've owned one before and I paid $3k for it 10 years ago.  Reliable car but not worth more than $3k.  The chassis and handling is too outdates.

Passing on the right is more in common to get around slower left lane hogd.  

Blizzard has wrecked the game too much with designs that just frustrates players more than reward. Dva’s ultimate is OP because in many closed room maps it’s an undodgeable ability.  I thought they would know better having mass crowd control abilities are bad for the game.  In Wow, warlocks often spam fear which

In Japan, they value handling, engine response, steering feel much more so than power. If you want bug cheap power go get a Mustang.

The OP and others bought their own miseries. Going 90mph on a public road is just seriously reckless. You can kill a lot more people with a car than a pistol.

Close but not quite, the same as comparing American to French wine.

You clearly demonstrated why most Americans must keep up with other Jones. You indicated why you can’t sacrifice certain social status and conditions just to live above the means. The difference between a $500k and $150k house is so huge that one can live in a $150k house and send their kid to a private school vs a