
@sugardeath: While no direct conclusive head to head tests have been performed, anyone whose been paying attention will be able to tell you that, yes, the move is way more precise and capable of so much more than natal.

Even number 5 knows why natal fails at real gaming.

Since when is a game like Child of Eden considered hardcore?

The US government only exists to serve the collective will of US citizens.

Needs to be more like this

Wow that looks terrible...

@JoetheArachnid: Indeed. Now where oh where might one ever find buttons....

@fm47: You may want to consult a repairman about that humor detector.

Very honest and open minded approach to attepting to conceptualizing unlawful user moderated software distribution.

First one sounds like it's playing on a busted tape deck.

@ddhboy: Maturity is overrated.

Though I would not like to have a body like her's(as I am a man); I sure would like to have her body.

@Brian Crecente: My question was not one of rhetoric, but was in fact an honest question.

@Brian Crecente: At the risk of sounding like an ass kisser; I must say hear, hear . The problem isn't that they're advertising a product that is a subject in their publication; it's that their publication seems to have become mixed with their advertising.