@Kuanhung Chen: obviously not, but they should have either
@Howie_does_it.: Well played sir.
@battra92: I recently realized that it's not a good idea to drink an entire case of beer or 5 liter box of wine in one night.
@Donutta: I thought you people were supposed to be jolly.
@rorkimaru: Close. The eyes don't actually see different angles; just different polarizations.
@Clive Bavels: Almost all games are about numbers; some just obfuscate it well behind shiny graphics and meaningless tasks.
@supergun: It may not be the first, but it's certainly a close contender for the title of worst.
@jayb222: Pretty good stuff. Negates some of the awfulness that Khalifa brought forth.
@Fase: Depends on how sufficiently dry it was.
@Djungelurban: Spike would totally have a modded xbox.
@kneegrow: Don't confuse Socialism with Communism.
@beatz: Never knew that. Upon closer inspection; thats actually the correct case next to the xbox as well.
@Hamster Poop: Doesn't look quiet as bad when viewed in a non tiny resolution.
@partysausage: I never said it actually stopped me, as I do know how to internet; just say'n it's odd that they would block it.
@Subsenix: Actually she can sing live quiet well when she's not running around stage trying to dance in the most ridicules and unpractical outfits ever imagined.
@MyDirtySecretary: Cannot be unseen....
@DwarfP: 420chan is defiantly NSFW.